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Marakans Spellforce

4-level Necromancy

Casting Time 1 Action
Range toutch
Duration Instant
Components S,V

Marakan was one of the foremost new age scholars making many unique discoveris especialy in fields that had before been restricted by the gods. One of his most dangerous discoveries was that of the spellforce the force flowin through each casters veins alowing them to cast their spells. Marakan discovered a way to use ones psychic powers to tap into another casters mind and drain them of their spellforce.   This spell requires you to be a caster of 16th or higher level and to have access to some way of entering another persons mind   To cast this spell you need access to the targets mind. When casting this spell you need to chose a spell slot to cast it with. You then make a DC 15+Spell level Intelligence check. On a sucessfull check you regain the original spell slot along with another one of the same type. The target also takes 10* spell level necrotic damage.   Whenever you cast this spell you gain -5*spell level concordance.

Class(es): All

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