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Commander Garrik "Ironbrand" Voss (Barrack)

A grizzled veteran with a beard like woven steel and a glare that could cow a charging ogre, Commander Garrik Voss runs the bastion’s barracks with military precision. Known as Ironbrand for the deep, scorched scars across his left arm—a relic of a past battle—he has spent decades leading warriors into battle and has no patience for incompetence.

Garrik personally recruits and trains the bastion’s guards, ensuring only the toughest and most disciplined make the cut. He values loyalty and grit above all, often testing recruits with brutal endurance drills before even considering them for service. While stern and uncompromising, those who earn his respect find a commander who would march into the depths of hell to protect his own.

When not drilling the guards, Garrik enjoys sharpening weapons, grumbling about "young hotheads with no respect for proper tactics," and regaling those who will listen with war stories—most of which end with him single-handedly holding the line against impossible odds.

Armor Class: 10

Initiative: +0 (10)

Hit Points: 4

Speed: 30 ft

Challenge: 0
STR 10 +0 +0
DEX 10 +0 +0
CON 10 +0 +0
INT 10 +0 +0
WIS 10 +0 +0
CHA 10 +0 +0

Languages: Common, Dwarvish

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