Level 9 Bastion Special Facility
Prerequisite: None
Space: Roomy
Hirelings: 1
Order: Recruit
A Bastion can have more than one Barrack, each of which is furnished to serve as sleeping quarters for up to twelve Bastion Defenders.
Staffed by:
- Commander Garrik "Ironbrand" Voss (Barrack)
- Captain Alden Drake (Human) – The disciplined second-in-command of the guards, a former city watch officer who enforces order with a cold, calculating mind.
- Vara "Redfang" Thorne (Half-Orc) – A savage yet loyal warrior with twin axes and a reputation for leaving enemies too scared to attack twice.
- Dain Embergrip (Dwarf) – A heavily armored shieldbearer who refuses to retreat, standing like an unmovable wall in battle.
- Selene Voss (Tiefling) – A swift, dagger-wielding scout who specializes in ambush tactics and night patrols, often seen lurking in the shadows.
- Garrus "Stonefist" Ralvek (Goliath) – A massive brute who fights with his bare hands, breaking weapons and bones alike with sheer force.
- Jasper Quickstep (Halfling) – A wily and unpredictable archer, often found atop the bastion walls picking off threats before they get too close.
- Bran Coldbrook (Human) – A grim, one-eyed veteran with a massive crossbow and a habit of muttering about "the one that got away."
- Tessa Stormborn (Aasimar) – A radiant defender with divine power flowing through her veins, striking down foes with flashes of holy lightning.
- Krag Half-Tooth (Half-Orc) – A hulking bruiser with raw strength but zero finesse, still learning that swinging wildly isn’t the same as fighting smart.
- Lyra Moonpetal (Elf) – A former street performer turned archer, who’s more used to dazzling crowds than shooting enemies in battle.
- Pip Ironfoot (Halfling) – A scrappy ex-thief trying to go legit, still relying on dirty tricks and quick feet more than proper combat training.
- Jorin Slate (Dwarf) – A blacksmith’s apprentice who joined the guard on a dare, quickly realizing swinging a warhammer is very different from swinging a forge hammer.
Recruit: Bastion Defenders. Each time you issue the Recruit order to this facility, up to four Bastion Defenders are recruited to your Bastion and assigned quarters in this Barrack. The recruitment costs no money. You can't issue the Recruit order to this facility if it's fully occupied.
Keep track of the Bastion Defenders housed in each of your Barracks. If you lose Bastion Defenders, deduct them from your roster. Assign names and personalities to your Bastion Defenders as you see fit.
Enlarging the Facility. You can enlarge your Barrack to a Vast facility by spending 2,000 GP. A Vast Barrack can accommodate up to twenty-five Bastion Defenders.