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Core Sorcerer Traits
Primary Ability Constitution and Dexterity
Hit Point Die 1D8 per level + 2
Saving Throw Proficiencies Dexterity or Constitution.
Skill Proficiencies Deception or persuasion, stealth or sleight of hand, and arcana.
Weapon Proficiencies Short and medium blades.
Tool Proficiencies Selection of choices given by DM.
Armor Training Light armor and Shields.
Starting Equipment A: Two daggers and a dungeoneer's pack. B: Throwing knives and an explorer's pack.

Sorcerers, also known as blood mages, are beings who inherited their power from the blood of their parents. They must, therefore, spill their own blood to accomplish magical feats. The abilities of a sorcerer are only limited by how much blood they are willing to spill.

Class Features
1+1Spellcasting, Conjure Crimson Blade
2+1Crimson blade damage increases by 1
3+1Crimson blade damage increases by 1Conjure Small ShadowConjure Small Bloodborne
4+1Crimson blade damage increases by 1
5+2Crimson blade damage increases by 1
6+2Crimson blade damage increases by 1
7+2Crimson blade damage increases by 1
8+2Crimson blade damage increases by 1Conjure ShadowConjure Medium Bloodborne
9+3Crimson blade damage increases by 1
10+3Crimson blade damage increases by 1
11+3Crimson blade damage increases by 1
12+3Crimson blade damage increases by 1Manipulate ShadowsConjure Large Bloodborne
13+4Crimson blade damage increases by 1
14+4Crimson blade damage increases by 1
15+4Crimson blade damage increases by 1
16+4Crimson blade damage increases by 1D4
17+5Crimson blade damage increases by 1D4
18+5Crimson blade damage increases by 1D4
19+5Crimson blade damage increases by 1D4
20+5Crimson blade damage increases by 1D4


Red Sorcerers: Conjure crimson blade | Conjure bloodborne | Manipulate blood

Black Sorcerers: Conjure crimson blade | Conjure shadow | Manipulate darkness


Red sorcerers are able to conjure weapons and beasts purely from their own blood.

Black sorcerers are able to bend the shadows they have bled upon to their will.

Created by

The Architect..

Statblock Type

