| [d20+Strength Modifier+Proficiency Bonus+Tool Bonus(0 for base tools)] |
| |
| A natural 20 will result in the doubling of whatever the roll's total result is. 19-24 will result in 6 instead of 3, 37+ will result in 12 instead of 6. |
1-5 | Your creation of the Processed Item fails. Roll on the Failed Processing Table to determine the outcome. (Natural 1's always have this result) |
6-12 | Your creation succeeded! You gain 1 of the processed items. Role on the Infusion Table to determine whether the processed item is Infused. |
13-18 | Your skills are impressive! You gain 2 of the processed items. Role on the Infusion Table to determine whether the processed items are infused. |
19-24 | The forge submits to you! You gain 3 of the processed items. Role on the Infusion Table to determine whether the processed items are infused. |
25-30 | The elements bend to your will! You gain 4 of the processed items. Role on the Infusion Table to determine whether the processed items are infused. |
31-36 | You surprise yourself, as time around you seems to warp! You gain 5 of the processed items, and the time it takes to process the items is reduced by half. Role on the Infusion Table to determine whether the processed items are infused. |
37+ | At this point in time, Moradin's power flows through you, empowering your forge and tools; this was destiny. You gain 6 of the processed items, and the processed items have all been infused with one Infusion. Roll on the Infusion Empowerment Table (skip the Infusion Table). |