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The empire of Shurima was once a thriving civilization that spanned a vast desert. After an era of growth and prosperity, the fall of its gleaming capital left the empire in ruins. Over millennia, tales of Shurima's glorious city became myth and religion among the descendants of the scattered survivors.   Most of the nomadic inhabitants of Shurima search for basic sustenance in an unforgiving land. Some defend small outposts built around a few oases. Others hunt buried riches among the ruins of the fallen empire, or obtain mercenary work, taking coin for their deeds before disappearing back into the sands. Now, the tribes are stirred by whispers from the heart of the desert: the city of Shurima has risen again.
ability score increase: +1 DEX, INT or CHA
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Common, Shuriman
parent race: [blocklink:


The humans. Adaptable, intelligent and numerous, the most predominant race of Runeterra continues to spread throughout Runeterra, establishing all sorts of civilizations whose variety represents the sheer flexibility of the human mind and body.

If there is to be one trait that can considered the definition of human, it would be their stubborness. They will fight for their beliefs, be it through speech or through force, and many of them will give their all to protect their home and kin.

Make no mistake. While other races may possess exotic features and powers, humans achieved their position in Runeterra for a reason. Within them runs ancient bloodlines that sometimes manifest themselves in extraordinary powers, while their ability to learn and master skills is unmmatched.
ability score increase: Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
Size: Medium
speed: 30
Languages: Common
sub races:
race features:
- 1 skill proficiency, tool proficiency or instrument proficiency of your choice
  • you gain other features, depending on your Origin
  • ]
    race features:

  • Sand Walker: Sand is no dificult terrain for you.
  • Shuriman Resiliance: You are resistant to Fire Damage and have Advantage on Saving Throws to withstand the effects of heat.
  • skill proficiency: Choose one from History, Survival, Deception or Persuasion
  • Sand Weaving: If you are a Spellcaster, you learn Mold Earth.
  • Slingshooter: Your Weapon Attacks with a Sling deal 1D6 instead and the Range is increased by 50%. You can Choose to use STR or DEX for the Attack.

  • Created by


    Statblock Type

