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Zaun, also known as the City of Iron and Glass, is a large undercity district lying in the deep canyons and valleys threading Piltover Crest icon Piltover. What light reaches below is filtered through fumes leaking from the tangles of corroded pipework and reflected from the stained glass of its industrial architecture. Zaun and Piltover were once united, but are now separate, yet symbiotic societies. Though it exists in perpetual smogged twilight, Zaun thrives, its people vibrant and its culture rich. Piltover's wealth has allowed Zaun to develop in tandem; a dark mirror of the city above. Many of the goods coming to Piltover find their way into Zaun's black markets, and hextech inventors who find the restrictions placed upon them in the city above too restrictive often find their dangerous researches welcomed in Zaun. Unfettered development of volatile technologies and reckless industry has rendered whole swathes of Zaun polluted and dangerous. Streams of toxic runoff stagnate in the city's lower reaches, but even here people find a way to exist and prosper.
ability score increase: +1 INT or DEX
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Piltovan (Zaunite dialect)
parent race: [blocklink:


The humans. Adaptable, intelligent and numerous, the most predominant race of Runeterra continues to spread throughout Runeterra, establishing all sorts of civilizations whose variety represents the sheer flexibility of the human mind and body.

If there is to be one trait that can considered the definition of human, it would be their stubborness. They will fight for their beliefs, be it through speech or through force, and many of them will give their all to protect their home and kin.

Make no mistake. While other races may possess exotic features and powers, humans achieved their position in Runeterra for a reason. Within them runs ancient bloodlines that sometimes manifest themselves in extraordinary powers, while their ability to learn and master skills is unmmatched.
ability score increase: Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
Size: Medium
speed: 30
Languages: Common
sub races:
race features:
- 1 skill proficiency, tool proficiency or instrument proficiency of your choice
  • you gain other features, depending on your Origin
  • ]
    race features:

  • skill Proficiency: You gain Proficieny in Investigation, Nature, Slight of Hands, Stealth or Deception
  • Zaunite Resiliance: You have Resistance to poison damage and Advantage on Saving Throws against being poisoned.
  • Tool Proficiency: You are Proficient with two of your choice: any Instrument, any Gaming Set, any Tool or Fire Arms
  • Chemtech Craft: When you deal Damage with Alchemist Fire, Poisons or Acids you crafted, you can add your Proficiency Modifier to each Damage Roll.
  • When you use Chemtech modified Weapons or Limbs, your Attacks deal +1 extra Damage. This Damage increases at level 5, 10, 15 and 20.

    Created by


    Statblock Type

