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Vuuris are a blazing people of transparent elementals, generating flames as they breathe. They live deep in the elemental chaos, but sometimes can find their way into the material plane. They do not reproduce, one instead manifesting every time a bonfire is put out.
ability score increase: Your Wisdom, Dexterity, and Constitution scores all increase by 1.
age: Vuuris reach adulthood in their mid 20s and tend to have a lifespan of about two centuries.
alignment: Vuuris are inclined toward neutrality.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common, Ignan
race features:
Flame Body. You have a number of d4 equal to your proficiency bonus. As a reaction, you can expend one of these d4 to deal fire damage to a creature within 5 feet of you when hit by a weapon attack. These d4 are replenished when you complete a long rest.
Engulfed. Your flame twists and turns around you, protecting you from incoming damage. You resist all non-magical weapon attacks.
Extinguish. As an action you can extinguish your flame for as long as you can hold your breath, becoming transparent. Make a Constitution saving throw. What you roll is how many seconds you can remain transparent. Your transparency will end if you make an attack or cast a spell, along with if you attempt to speak. Any enemy more than 80 feet away from you sees you as invisible while you are transparent. Enemies within 80 feet must roll Perception against a Stealth roll of yours, which you have advantage on.
Firelight. While not Extinguished you emit bright light in a 10 foot radius around you and dim light for an additional 10 feet. While this light is active you have disadvantage on Stealth checks.
Lighter than Air. You are practically weightless. You cannot wear armor or shields, and your AC is 12, unable to be raised by magical or non-magical effects. When you gain an Ability Score Increase or Feat past level 1, you add 1 to the AC.

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