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D10 + D4
Neutral Teach someone the ways of your people

Unencumbered, Unharmed
So long as you are below your Load and
neither wear armor nor carry a shield,
take +1 armor.

The Upper Hand
You take +1 ongoing to last breath rolls.
When you take your last breath, on a 7–9
you make an offer to Death in return for
your life. If Death accepts he will return
you to life. If not, you die.

What Are You Waiting For?
When you cry out a challenge to your
enemies, roll+CON. •On a 10+ they treat
you as the most obvious threat to be dealt
with and ignore your companions, take +2
damage ongoing against them. •On a 7–9
only a few (the weakest or most foolhardy
among them) fall prey to your taunting.

Herculean Appetites
Others may content themselves with just a
taste of wine, or dominion over a servant or
two, but you want more. Choose two
appetites. While pursuing one of your
appetites if you would roll for a move,
instead of rolling 2d6 you roll 1d6+1d8. If
the d6 is the higher die of the pair, the GM
will also introduce a complication or
danger that comes about due to your
heedless pursuits

Riches & Property
Fame & glory

While you wield a weapon it gains the
forceful and messy tags.

Gorm Negociates through strength. Use strength score when interrogating.

What is Best in Life: At the end of a session, if during this session you have crushed your enemies, seen them driven before you, or have heard the lamentations of their kinfolk mark XP.

Eye For Weakness: When you Descern Realities add "What here is weak or vulnerable?" to the list of questions you can ask.

On The Move: When you "defy a danger caused by movement" (maybe falling off a narrow bridge or rushing past an armed guard)

A Good Day To Die: As Long as you have less than your CON in current HP (or 1, wichever is higher take +1 ongoing

Merciless When you deal damage deal +1d4

Human Clan of the Bear

Oran is her own woman but may need Saving

Arthan is passionite and Gorm does not understand him

Garret shares my hunger for
glory; the earth will tremble at our passing!

Zed way are strang and confusing

Nadmus ways are streang and confusing




Created by

Uthan Son Solista.


Dungeon World

Statblock Type

Character Sheet
