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Mage Robes of Enchantment

Armor These robes from the Abjuration school found in Mistral are a mages standard robes. These robes contain 8 charges, each charge can be used per spell and an extra charge is used per spell level (1st level uses 1 charge, 2nd level uses 2 charges, 3rd level uses 3 charges). You gain 1d6+2 charges on a long rest 1st level: Command, Sleep, Heroism   2nd level: Enthrall, Hold Person   3rd level: Enemies Abound Rare (this item requires attunement) [Attuned by an Enchantment Mage]

Type AC STR Req. Stealth Dis. Properties
None 13+Dex

Cost: 2500gp Weight: 3lb


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