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Sweyfolk (Sveiska: "Sveifolk") are the mannish folk of Sweyland. They lean to be taller heightwise, and lighter skin and hair than most, with some Sweyfolk having a faint glow from their skin - a hint to their partly elfish blood. Sweyfolk, like most Northkin, put deep worth in kinship and folklore. They raise their children with great tales of their forefathers, and often lean on this as a way of teaching right from wrong. This also makes their folklore and kinliefs a heartly part of their upbringing and selfness.
ability score increase: +1 to Wisdom
age: Slightly longer than other mannish folk, by about 10 or 20 years
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Sveiska (Sweyish)
parent race: Man
race features:
Sheenly Smile: Thanks to your height, fair looks, and elfish shine, you have proficiency in charisma saving throws & 1 charisma-related skill of your choice (other than intimidation).
Tales of Wikings: You were raised with tales of mighty seafaring forebears, their struggles, and their skills. Survival skill checks are rolled with advantage.

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