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Pact of the Aboleth

Aboleths are huge creatures from the Underdark, old enough that they remember the day gods were born. With each death of an Aboleth, they grow wiser as they are reborn in the Plane of Water, absorbing the memories of all their kin. Once, they ruled the part of the Continent, enslaving all mortal races, and the mortals they share their power with are bade to make that a reality once again.    

Extended Spell List

The Aboleth lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Level Spells
1st Command, Sleep
2nd Calm Emotion, Detect Thoughts
3rd Sending, Water Breathing
4th Dominate Beast, Evard's Black Tentacles
5th Dominate Person, Modify Memory

Memory Echo

When you long rest, you can force a phrase or speech that you said since your last long rest to echo in the minds of those who heard it. If you made a Performance, Persuasion, Intimidation, or Deception check since your last long rest, you can reroll that roll as if their memory or memories of the event are changing. You must use this new roll. Creatures that are immune to charm are not affected by this ability.    

Insight Nature

At 6th level, you can probe deep into the desires of other creatures an equal number of times per day to your Charisma modifier. Roll a spell attack using Charisma, and on a 15 or above, you learn their deepest desires. From 7-14, you learn only their surface level desires of that moment. Otherwise, it simply fails. You may use this ability only once per long rest on the same creature.      

Create Thrall

At 10th level, you can force a humanoid to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, that creature has become your Thrall, and will be under your complete control as long as you can see them. If you cannot see them, they still generally follow your previous orders and are loyal to you even if it causes them mortal harm. You can have up to three of these Thralls, and you know when one dies if you are on the same plane as it when it does die. This effect can only be ended by Greater Restoration, a Wish, or death. Creatures immune to charm are immune to this ability, creatures resistant make the saving throw with advantage. The number of Thralls you can create increases to five at 14th level    

Knowledge Drain

At 14th level, as an action, you can attack the very minds of your enemies. Make a spell attack roll against an enemy you can see. A hit causes them to take 4d6 damage and they also lose their reaction until their next turn. If the creature dies from the damage of this ability, you gain hit points equal to the damage done by this ability, and you gain all knowledge this creature possessed as if it was from your own memory.

Created by

Lord Mcberry.

Statblock Type

