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Shwee dreams of creation


True living anomalies, the Sacre have long looked down on all other peoples except the angels. Characterised by the fact that part of their body obeys nothing of the laws of physics, logic or genetics, or for another branch of this same race by tattoos on their body that appear from birth, the Sacre are conspicuous and remarkable in their appearance. They were forced by the demons long ago to reveal their knowledge of magic, but since then they have been advancing this discipline faster than any other race and have been the most active participants in the setting up of the academy and Paradise the artificial flying island. The Sacre are on average 1m76 tall and are basically immortal. If they are killed it is assumed that their souls will return to Heaven like the angels.
ability score increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2.
age: Sacre doesn't die of age. That said they have a more hard time than other races to reproduce as they are all infertile until they reach 333years old and come back to their state of infertility after 444years old.
alignment: Sacre tend to go for good alignment. But half of their population differ from the rule.
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Celestial.
race features:
• Darkvision. You can see in darkness as you would see in the middle of a bright day. Magical darkness can't blind you.
• Divine Legacy.
You have one legendary resistance. You can regain the use of it once every short rest.

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