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Betrayed One

You're scared. You just woke up after the worst experience of your life. You were away from your party, having gotten your foot stuck in something and been left behind. You were upset, but things weren't that bad. You freed yourself, but then you heard a bear roar. You immediately ran to find your party. You reached your party, but as you started to explain the situation you heard the roar again, this time closer, as a brown figure emerged quickly from behind a tree. Your party had started running from the bear too- but it wasn't a normal bear. A glowing, light blue substance dripped from it's eyes and mouth. It's body was twisted and mangled, yet it still ran incredibly fast. Your friends were speedy- a fire genasi rogue, an aasimar paladin, and an elf monk. The genasi had to carry you for you to keep up- you were only a human, after all. However, it seemed she got bored of you, as just as they were almost at the safety of the village, the genasi threw you to the bear, yelling "We need to distract it or it'll catch up!" as a cover to hide how cruel the action was. The bear stopped in front of you, taking it's sweet time to devour you. You sat there, remembering the event. It was the next day. You died the previous night when the bear ate you, yet there you sat. Your body didn't feel right.   Why did they do that?   You will never be the same.
ability score increase: +3 Wisdom -2 Charisma +2 Dexterity +1 Constitution
age: 0-1,000
alignment: Usually Lawful Neutral
Size: Large
speed: 35ft walking, 40ft floating.
Languages: Common, Celestial, 2 of your choice
parent race: Lost One
race features:
Haunted   You are haunted by the memories of your death. The fact your own party purposefully let you die- not even just abandoned you like other Lost Ones had been, just... Gave up on helping you live- shakes you to this day. Any time you are in an area involving anything related to your death, you get a +3 increase in wisdom and dexterity. (EX: Died in a forest, you're in a forest when these activates. A Water Genasi who was a Sorcerer let you die, Water Genasi who are Sorcerers being near you activates this.)
The eyes of Betrayed Ones don't shine. They don't shimmer in the light at all. They usually struggle to make expressions, and usually have their appearance as a slightly altered version of how they originally looked, altered to resemble something related to their death.   (If you are confused about the difference between Blighted Ones and Betrayed Ones, Betrayed Ones got abandoned, chased by a monster, found their party before the monster caught up, but their party didn't really bother to help them, instead contributing to their death. Blighted ones experienced the extremely rare occurence of a person being blighted, who then killed them.)

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