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Unlike other Ophidae, and most Reptiles for that matter, many of the Eophis live their lives as member of a cohesive family unit with sometimes 5 generations living in the same household. Another strange divergence unique to the Eophis is their proclivity for conversation, with their skill for dissembly and sweet-talking known throughout the land. Some theorize this broodlike behavior is a result of the Eophis' vulnerability following a large meal, the family members watching over, and conversing with, each other following a successful hunt; others, however, believe such large and time consuming meals only became commonplace because of their fondness for conversation. Whatever the reasons for their strange household habbits are, what is clear is that to the Eophis, Family is Everything.  
ability score increase: +2 to one stat or +1 to two different stats
age: Matures at the age of 16 years; Lives to be around 130
alignment: Tends towards Lawful
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft. Walking
Languages: Common, Primordial
race features:

Primeaval Fangs

You have a set of fangs which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal poison damage equal to 1d4 + your Constitution modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.  

Slippery Build

The joints and bones in your body have a significantly higher range of motion than an average animal allowing you to squeeze into much smaller areas than is usually possible for a creature your size. In addition, this makes you more difficult to pin down in a fight.  
  • You count as small for the spaces you can fit inside.
  • You have advantage against attempts made to grapple you.

Hunter's Sight

You can see the heat radiating off nearby objects and creatures, allowing you to see the "invisible" and track creatures with far more ease.
  • You have 5 ft. of blindsight.
  • You have advantage on Surival(Wisdom) checks relating to tracking creatures.

Unhinged Jaw

Your jaw is capable of unhinging itself to allow for more food to be swallowed and digested. As an action, you may swallow a recently deceased creature, or a creature whose HP is 0, who is also large or smaller. Medium sized creatures sate you for a week, Small sized creatures for three days and Tiny sized creatures sate you for a day. You gain no benefit from devouring undead or constructs. If you devour a large-sized creature, you have overeaten, causing your physical form to visibly bloat, your movements to become sluggish, and your disposition lethargic. During this time, your walking speed becomes 10 feet and you are affected by the poisoned condition until you have digested your meal which takes 24 hours. Digesting a large sized creature sates you for a month.   Alternatively, when you reduce a living creature within 5 feet of you to 0 hit points, you can, as a reaction, devour them completely gaining temporary hit points equal to your level + your Constitution modifier. While this provides you with a wealth of nourishment instantly, it causes your hunger to return faster by only sating you for half as a long, rounded down. You may only use this reaction once per long rest.

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