The Gristbite God

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This text was written by Matriarch Torebre Xonkia, circa 1300 BTC.

The Fanged God is a mysterious deity. Is he the manifestation of part of the force itself? Or does he exist due to manifestation of the dark side? Possibly the use of the dark side is what caused him to come into being. Or the dark side came into being due to his existence. His origins are a mystery to us. But there is one thing that is certain, that is without him, the dark side would be wiped out, if not completely non-existent. No matter his origins, he is now the dark side incarnate. The avatar of darkness.

Eye witness reports and other evidence supports the description of the Fanged God in our sacred texts; however, some sources place him as humanoid. But many of the reports, as well as our texts, describe him as a bat-like beast, with large fangs and the ability to consume one's life with a mere touch.

He is sacred to our people, because we depend on darkness, whether he is darkness itself, or created by darkness. He appears in many forms outside of the physical. Ancient dark side abilities, such as drain life, appear to draw directly from him and what he is capable of. We may never fully understand him or be able to achieve what he is capable of. But it is one of many goals of this coven to break free of our chains and truly have the power of the gods.

Artistic depiction of the Fanged God based on various descriptions.
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