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Hide of the Feral Guardian


Legendary Requires Attunement

Studded Leather

It is believed that this polished and beautifully detailed leather armor was a gift from Melara, bestowed on a long-forgotten archdruid and champion of the natural world before the terrors of the Calamity.

Dormant: While wearing the armor in its dormant state, you gain the following benefits:

  • The armor grants you a + 1 bonus to AC.

  • While you are transformed by an effect that replaces any of your game statistics with those of another creature, you have a + 1 bonus to melee attack and damage rolls, and you retain the benefits of this armor.

  • As an action, you can use the armor to cast Polymorph on yourself, transforming into a giant owl while retaining your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. This property can't be used again until the next dawn.

Awakened: When the armor reaches an awakened state, it gains the following properties:
  • The AC bonus of the armor increases to +2.

  • While you are transformed by an effect that replaces any of your game statistics with those of another creature, your bonus to melee attack and damage rolls increases by 1 (to +2).

  • When you cast the Polymorph spell using this armor, you can transform into a cave bear (use the polar bear statistics).

Exalted: When the armor reaches an exalted state, it gains the following properties:
  • The AC bonus of the armor increases to +3.

  • While you are transformed by an effect that replaces any of your game statistics with those of another creature, your bonus to melee attack and damage rolls increases by 1 (to +3).

  • When you cast the Polymorph spell using this armor, you can transform into a guardian wolf.

Type AC STR Req. Stealth Dis.

Cost: 50,000+ gp

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Statblock Type

