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Throwing Axe

Adventuring Gear


  • Grip
  • Blade
  •   Special Maneuvers
  • Overhand Throw - Throw the axe higher and over cover for a greater distance as an attack without your Proficiency Bonus, increasing the effective range in feet by 5x your Strength Modifier, or alternatively a number of additional spaces equal to your Strength Modifier. Ignores any cover bonuses or shield bonuses to Evasion (AC).
  •   Special Properties: Armor Piercing II
  • Light - Allows for an attack as a bonus action if this weapon is held in your offhand
  • Hemhorraging - Targets struck by this weapon must make a Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Strength Bonus or take 1d4 Bleed damage
  • Thrown
  •   Weight: 2.5 each   Handling: 1-handed

    A lightweight, well-balanced axe that is designed specifically to be thrown. Higher weight means it deals more damage in a concentrated point than a throwing knife.

    Type Damage Damage Range
    Simple Melee 1d6 Slashing 20/60

    Weight: 2.5lbs

    Created by


    Statblock Type

