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Atior's Banner of Shadows

Wondrous Item

Rare requires attunement by a creature of evil alignment Requires Attunement

This translucent ethereal banner grants its bearer the favor of Atior, god of darkness and treachery. While you carry the banner, all allies within 30 feet gain a +1 bonus to their AC and saving throws.   Once per long rest, you can plant the banner in the ground as an action. When you do so, all enemies within 30 feet of the banner must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 16). On a failed save, enemies become frightened of you and your allies until the end of your next turn.   Additionally, allies within the banner's radius cannot be charmed or frightened while the banner remains planted. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until you choose to remove the banner.

Atior's Banner of Shadows is a long banner pole topped with a spear tip, though the banner itself seems ethereal—barely visible to the naked eye as it shifts colors with every breath of air.

Weight: 5 lbs

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Statblock Type

