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Kell are a race that bare the scars of past wars—their kingdom a fortress built for keeping citizens in and keeping strangers out. They are hardheaded both physically and mentally and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They view honour, bravery, and respect as extremely important, and vital to living a worthy life. They make their home both at the base, and within Morkem’s claw, surrounded by beasts, biting winds, and steep cliffs.
ability score increase: Str +2 Def +1
age: Kell mature at 18 years of age. Though the average life expectancy is 35 - 50, Kell can actually live for a very long time. This short life is due to the Kell’s willingness to give their own life for their kingdom. Most of them will pass away in battle, it is seen as the most heroic death.
alignment: Chaotic neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common
race features:
brave[b You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.   Natural Weapon You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d6 + 1 piercing damage on a hit.   Proficiencies: Great Sword and athletics
Appearance: Kell are a humanoid race with tendrils that act as a helmet for their head. They tend to have thick, but short fur that covers their entire body. Mountainous Kell have much longer fur especially on the forearms and calves. They have a short, pointed snout that varies in structure depending on the individual. Kell are naturally sturdy and well-built people. It’s common for Kell to have some muscle definition no matter their weight. An easy way to Kell the two subtypes of Kell apart is their colouration. Kell who are native to the plains will be a vibrant red, orange, brown, green, or grey. Mountainous Kell are not as diverse in fur colour, they are seen with black, white, or grey fur. All Kell have a long tail that is at minimum half as long as they are tall. Plains Kell don’t have a fluffy tail as mountainous Kell do, but both are affective for balance and to stay warm during the harsh winter of Morkem’s claw.

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