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Conductor's Staff

Wondrous Item

Rare Attunement Requirement: Spellcaster Requires Attunement

Pacify Beasts. While holding the staff, the attuned user can use an action to cast Calm Emotions (Save DC 15) on any beasts within a 30-foot radius. Once used, this ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.   Enhance Control. The user gains +2 bonus to Animal Handling checks when interacting with magical creatures.   Aura of Tranquility. Beasts within a 60-foot radius of the staff have disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than the staff's wielder, as long as the wielder is not hostile towards them. Emergency Recall: Once per day, as a bonus action, the wielder can summon one beast they have previously interacted with to their side if the beast is within 1 mile.

The Conductor’s Staff is a slender, elegant tool crafted from pale, almost silver wood, polished to a smooth finish. It measures about four and a half feet tall and features delicate carvings of vines and small woodland creatures such as birds and rabbits, which spiral up its length, giving it an ethereal and whimsical appearance. The top of the staff is adorned with a small, clear crystal orb encased in fine silver filigree, which emits a gentle, pulsating light, suggesting a deep, magical essence.

Type Damage Damage Range
Simple Melee 1d6 Bludgeoning

Cost: 800g
Weight: 3

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