Abyssal EV Bugatti | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Abyssal EV Bugatti



A generic high-performance sports car with great handling.
It can travel up to 600 miles before needing to recharge.
Thanks to demon magic, it's all-terrain!
Comes straight from St. Louis, Missouri... which is in the abyss, obviously.

HP: 180 (damage threshold 10)

AC: 15

Str: 18

Dex: 24

Con: 18

Acceleration: 500 ft. per round.

Top speed: 160 mph

Size: Large

Carrying Capacity: 500 lbs.

Weight: 4,000 lbs.

Passengers: 1 driver; 1 passenger.
A third creature of size small or less can sit on the center console (also called the armrest if you're a plebeian).

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