Summer Camp 2022 Pledge
Summer Camp 2022 Articles
Copper Prompts
Prompt 1
An ocean, desert, plain, pocket dimension, or other large expanse
Prompt 2
Α religion or organisation connected to a natural phenomenon
Prompt 3
Α species that survives in an unlikely place
Prompt 4
Α vehicle or type of vehicle used for long journeys
Prompt 5
Α settlement beside or in a great expanse
Prompt 6
Α material only harvestable from nature
Prompt 7
Α culture who lives by, near or within an ocean, desert or other expanse
Prompt 8
Α food that marks a rite of passage for a culture in your world
Silver Prompts
Prompt 9
A settlement that leads the known world in something
Prompt 10
A military conflict resolved through excellent leadership
Prompt 11
A building associated with governance, leadership or change
Prompt 12
An organization associated with governance, leadership or change
Prompt 13
A profession associated with leaders in your world
Prompt 14
A title that commands respect from those in the know
Prompt 15
A tradition or ceremony which confers an honor on someone
Gold Prompts
Prompt 17
A settlement that was lost or discovered
Prompt 18
An astonishing natural wonder
Prompt 19
A recently discovered, or rediscovered, species
Prompt 20
A lost or discovered artifact of significance or power
Prompt 21
A technology lost, forgotten or shrouded in mystery
Prompt 22
A lost or discovered monument
Prompt 23
An explorer, researcher or other character motivated by discovery
Platinum Prompts
Prompt 25
A species considered monstrous by some
Prompt 26
A myth or urban legend about a "monster"
Prompt 27
A tradition which keeps monsters or bad luck away
Prompt 28
A condition considered monstrous or "unlucky" by some
Prompt 29
An organization considered cruel or monstrous by some
Prompt 30
A person considered villainous or monstrous
Prompt 31
An artifact that embodies a hideous or monstrous idea
It's that time of year again, World Anvil's Summer Camp that gets my creative juices flowing and creates vast swathes of my world for me while I pariticpate in a community that has come to mean so much to me. I started moving my D&D campaign world into World Anvil at the end of 2019, but it wasn't until the summer of 2020, in the depths of the pandemic, that I really figured out how to use this amazing platform.
The prompts force me to look at my world in ways I had never considered before and the deadlines and community have helped my writing grow by leaps and bounds.
Creative Goal
I intend to work on my main campaign world and the Kirinal Concordance Zone as usual, but this time I want to add in three new areas of play/concepts.
I'm trying to build an original setting that feels true to my own diasporic background. As a Filipino-American, I'm interested in the experience of people making a home for themselves in a new land where they are considered different. I'm not interested in dystopias, I want to build a setting where the people living in it can be their best, happiest selves.
Challenge Goal
I achieved the Diamond Badge in all the other Summer Camps that I've participated in. I see no reason to change that! Notwithstanding unforeseen circumstances, it's 31 articles and Diamond or bust for me!
Past Events
Summer Camp 2022 Themes
Expanses in my regions include:
- The dead surface of the Shattered Moon and the empty skies between the sky-island Shards.
- The magic blasted region around the Boundary of the Dragon Empire
- The Kirinal Wastes full of bandits and evil spirits
I have a lot of the Zone fleshed out, but there are organizations in there that could use some fleshing out.
Amongst the Shards, I can work on the leaders of the various peoples and their war parties.
The complex clan structure of the Dragon Empire should be heavy fodder for this theme.
The Shattered Moon is tailor-made for the discovery theme: thousands of sky-island Shards and the people who live on them.
The Zone and Darastrix Tolgalen are geographically smaller and heavily populated. Discovery in those areas would involve finding hiddent things or secret societies.
The Draconic rulers of the Island are monstrous by definition. Their followers can be just as terrifying.
The Shards are full of abominations, undead, and lycanthropes. Dark spirits fill the sky-islands and the air between.
The Zone is full of escapees from a thousand dimensions. Dark spirits and monsters are definitely included in their number.
Good luck!!
Thank you! Good luck to you too!
View my submissions for World Anvil WorldBuilding Awards 2025.
Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak.