Cryzad Kelp

Cryzad's kelp is a seaweed known to grow in the "seas" of the Shattered Moon. It grows in giant mats that float to the top of the spherical water shards of their moon. They reach the surface of the sphere with balloons that have the unusual property of propelling them to wherever the sun is. These photophilic buds sometimes get very large, and members of the Lapin tribes often use them to make their moon balloons.

Instructor of Recruits

Along with their ability to float wherever the sun is, Cryzad Kelp is delicious! You can get it anywhere on Thaya's Moon, just don't go to Cryzad's Sea or the Cryzdaken will get you! I personally love the crunch of cryzad nori and sal-moon skin sushi!

Cryzad kelp is a type of brown macroalgae that grows on the watery "sea" Shards of Thaya on the Shattered Moon. Due to their habitat, these plants have developed air-filled balloons that pull them to the surface of their spherical seas that float above the Surface of the Shattered Moon. These balloons are also photophilic and photo magnetic, meaning that they are pulled to any light source, usually the sun.

They grow in vast mats at the surface of the watery shards where they live. They are one of the foundational food sources for fish in the sea shards as well as for the Rabbitfolk and other sentient denizens of that moon.

The existence of the Cryzadaken means that Cryzad Kelp grows wild and unmolested in Cryzad's Sea. A few enterprising rabbitfolk dare to harvest there, but no large enterprises for kelp harvesing last for very long.

Use in Balloon Manufacture

The denizens of the moon have found an additional use for photophilic gas-filled Cryzad Kelp nodules. They harvest and preserve the largest of them, which can reach up to 12 feet across, and use them in their Moon Balloons. When preserved properly, the nodules keep their photomagnetic properties. The rabbitfolk use a combination of lighter than air gases and sails to create shadows and expose the material to light. This enables them to sail the skies of the moon using a combination of wind and light.

Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Summer Camp 2023 Generic Header by Chris L


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Jul 17, 2023 12:42 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Moon balloons! And sal-moon made me laugh.   Such a fun plant, I like that it has different uses. :D

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Jul 17, 2023 13:38 by Chris L

Thanks! I love that little pun. It just dropped out of my head as I was writing. One of the joys of Summer Camp.

Jul 19, 2023 16:30 by Marjorie Ariel

That's convenient. Is this how Momma Bunny travels?   lol sal-moon sushi.

Jul 19, 2023 16:42 by Chris L

Momma Bunny used to use little moon ballons. Now that she's big time, she has a big dirigible called the "Cloud Warren". That's a stub article waiting to be written!

Aug 14, 2023 19:08 by Deleyna Marr

I love the use for balloons! How delightful.

Aug 14, 2023 19:18 by Chris L

Thank you! Figured that out as I was writing the article. I love how these things pop out as you write!

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