Savage Tide

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of World of Wizard's Peak
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Sessions Archive

3rd Jan 2023

Prince of Demons: Death to Demogorgon the Final Session

Where the party fights a death knight and then a lich. Finally they confront Demogorgon in his lair, summon an ancient red dragon, and finally defeat the Prince of Demons. The savage simulacrum of Leon Sip Sip becomes the new Prince of Demons: Pis Pis Noel.

2nd Jan 2023

Prince of Demons: Battle of Wat Dagon

The Party Approaches Wat Dagon and attacks the forces gathered outside. The power of a 20th level evoker with a simulacrum becomes evident. They enter Wat Dagon, find a fake Lavinia, and discover the final fate of Vanthus as a demonic larva with his mortal head.

1st Jan 2023

Prince of Demons: Assassination Attempt, Surprise: Tarrasque

The group is ambushed by a blue abishai and a bunch of black abishai working as mercenaries for Demogorgon. They unleash a tarrasque on the brotherhood.

3rd Jul 2022

Prince of Demons: Session 1

1st Jul 2022

Enemies of My Enemy: Session 2

The Brotherhood seeks out allies against Demogorgon on the River Styx.

24th Jun 2022

Enemies of My Enemy: Session 1

11th Jun 2022

Wells of Darkness: Session 1

17th Mar 2022

Demogorgon's Ire

21st Dec 2021

Yule Breaktime in the Abyss

5th Aug 2021

Into the Maw: Session 4 - Finding Lavinia

1st Aug 2021

Into the Maw: Session 3 - Divided Ire

18th Jul 2021

Into the Maw: Session 2

17th Jul 2021

Into the Maw: Session 1

31st Dec 2020

Serpents of Scuttlecove: Session 2

Invading the Base of the Crimson Fleet

28th Dec 2020

Serpents of Scuttlecove: Session 1

2nd Aug 2020

Side Quest - Velkhana and the Kirinal Pit

16th Jul 2020

City of Broken Idols: Session 3

13th Jul 2020

City of Broken Idols: Session 2

11th Jul 2020

City of Broken Idols: Session 1

7th Jul 2020

The Lightless Depths: Session 5

6th Jul 2020

The Lightless Depths: Session 4

5th Jul 2020

The Lightless Depths: Session 3

4th Jul 2020

The Lightless Depths: Session 2

3rd Jul 2020

The Lightless Depths:Session 1

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Johanna Vung


Chaotic Neutral Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 15
120 / 120 HP


Ol' Staffer