An explanation on what the landed and unlanded titles that nobles can have, are
The Republic of Vivernia is a human military dictatorship renowned for its disciplined forces and their rejection of the Aprēan faith.
The term aberati covers a wide range of monstrous beings who all share the same goal.
Lethea is the war-torn homeland of the geprati and the aberati and the largest continent on the planet of Riel.
Aprēa was a human woman who ascended to divinity and became Goddess of Aprēanism
The Cult of the Aberati is a heavily persecuted unorganised religion that unites those who have given their lives to serve and aid the vile aberati.
One of the main characters of my NaNoWriMo 2018 novel, Lakeside: Whispers in the Mist
Young man from Ebersted who used to work for a secret organization
Vitatier’s Blood is a rare non-hereditary condition that grants those afflicted the ability to wield vitality magic, but at the cost of severe psychological consequences.
Haltjanism is a godless religion based on respecting and worshiping nature, ancestors, and spirits
The Divide is an impassable mountain range that splits the continent in half, separating the south from the north.
The Kingdom of Hlulane is a struggling country forced to bend to the will of their masters in Le Zhea, the ancient remnants of a once vast empire.
Multicultural country in Southern Lethea and mankind's first line of defense
The treaty that banned Southern Letheans from going to the Eastern region
The Exalted Republic of Helendriel and the Sehenian People is a decadent and corrupt alcheni country that is hated by its neighbours and much of its own populace.
The Imperium of Valhértis was an alchen state that seceded from Qerthéllnaval and waged endless wars to subjugate their neighbours all while oppressing those they had conquered.
The sources and effects of vitatie, micro- and microminerals
The diplomatic treaty that ended the expansion of the Qerthéllnavalic Imperium
The Federal State of Alinhas is a human federation led by a triumvirate of mages that consists of three semi-autonomous regions.
A mostly unrecognized human country that struggles with nomadic raiders
The Duchy of Alut is a small panedur state nestled on the northern slopes of the Almitic mountains known for its tunnel and artillery.
The battle that led to events that dismantled the Empire of Lethea
Genetic engineering is the mysterious technology used by Zheans and Ryelists to modify living beings to change their brain or body for better or worse.
Worldbuilder, writer, artist, and apparently a professional fantasy cartographer
Tabletop roleplaying games, writing, history, politics
The Lord of the Rings, 1944 (Estonian WW2 movie), It's a Wonderful Life (1946), D.O.A. (1949), The Ghost Train (1941)
Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Dragon Prince
All Quiet on the Western Front, Lord of the Rings, Good Omens