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Summer Camp 2018

Somewhere in your setting, describe
What are some common insults unique to a language in your world?
A total of 135 entries

Guide to hadakin curses (and how to curse them back!)

The Lost Language of Halo

Swear words of the Equine

How to swear in Calandyrion

The Traveler of the Depths of Paranis, V1, P7 : Insulting peoples is not always good.

Merchant's Parlance in the Crown of Lidas

Applicable Insults, Ch. 4 of the Hegemon's Review

Son of a Shoe - A bit of Arkatrashian Culture

The Colourful Language of Lantana

Southern Plains Insults

Language of disgrace in Bellflower

Insultos comunes de la Dimensión Etérea

Horron's Guide to Infernal Idioms & Insults

Slizzarak - The Basics (+ Insults!)

Insults of the Fripay peoples

A Guide to Speaking with the Fair Folk

Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, Revised