Onyx Orbis | Race/Species | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Onyx Orbis

Oynx as a stone has long been thought to hold magical properties by those who dwell beneath Urse's surface. It's pitch black visage that reflects light give the illusion of staring into the abyss to those without much to see by. Over time it has become used in the building of buildings of great magical importance due to the spreading of this belief. As if to confirm the people's speculations, after thousands of years had passed since The Creation some people reported seeing humanoid beings emerge from the ground in burst of magical energy. These beings were later classified by scholars as Onyx Orbis, alongside the emergence of a seeming brother race at the same time.   As a general rule of thumb scholars noted that these Onyx Orbis emerged as wizards of national level strength, never less than level 3. The upper limit of power that an onyx emerges from the ground at still remains unknown, but some heretical schools of thought amongst the learned of old suggests they believe they could emerge as being as potent as Gods if given enough power while gestating.   The study of the biology and psychology of the Orbis remains a field shrouded in mystery, due to the Orbis themselves. While individual personalities vary greatly when it comes to knowledge of their origins they all remain silent, or insist they don't know, as if it is a taboo instilled within their existence.
ability score increase: Oyx Orbis have +1 Constitution and +2 Intelligence.
age: Orbis live for indefinite periods of time, only being destroyed by outside forces.
alignment: Usually Neutral or Good
Size: Medium
speed: Onyx Orbis have 25 Foot Movement Speed.
Languages: Onyx Orbis speak Primordial and Common.
race features:
Orbis do not consume food and water but instead take nutrients from the soil around them.   Onyx Orbis are Resistant to Slashing Damage from Non-Magical Sources.   Onyx Orbis have proficiency in one Instrument of their choosing.   Onyx Orbis have the Body of Magic racial ability. Body of Magic - Due to the intrinsic magic flowing through Onyx Orbis they gain Two Wizard Cantrips and a First Level Wizard spellslot. The modifier for these abilities is Intelligence.

Created by

Coconut Camp.

Statblock Type

