You're a businessperson, an entertainer, an artist. But... more than that. You have a gun. And a bag just begging to be filled with snakes.
You've heard Snake Oilers are doing really well out West since The Cows Came Home. Everybody needs potions and hope in these dark days, and also out West is where all the best snakes live.
Use your charismatic nature to talk your way into and out of tough situations. When that doesn't work, fill 'em with lead.
hit dice:
1d4 per Snake Oiler level
hit points at 1st level:
6 + your Grit modifier
hit points at higher levels:
armor proficiencies:
weapon proficiencies:
Pistols, Shotguns
A big black kitbag
saving throws:
Moxie, Mentality
Dickerin’, ‘Suasion, Performin’, Cookin', Hornswagglin’, and Critter Whisperin’
starting equipment:
class features:
Why'd It Have To Be Snakes?: You can juice the organs of dead snakes to collect snake oil, which is a real thing, and brew potions that buff your team.
subclass options: