Medium Human Artificer , Lawful Neutral
For the last 730 years, 175 days, 4 hours, and 48 minutes Caelum has been working on various projects and collecting, making, and selling magical items. He's been exploring the world, studying, and experimenting. He's settled down in a cave in _____ where he's built a library, magical artifact laboratory, and a home. He lives with _____, a vampire who lives off of his blood so that she doesn't need to starve or hurt anyone else. She's been living with him for the past 507 years.
Live and let live. Meddling with the lives of others only causes trouble. This seems especially the case for governments and arguments.
Homebody. The outside world has nothing else to offer - Caelum would rather spend his time at home.
Caelum has an intense fear of being trapped. He's constantly keeping himself busy trying to make sure he's not thinking about the existential dread of having an immortal life with a limited amount of headspace.