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Fabius Zgorzkniały

Alchemist - Artificer 3 Class & Level
Random Background
Human Race
Chaotic Evil Alignment

Strength 10
Dexterity 10
constitution 12
intelligence 18
wisdom 14
charisma 12
Total Hit Dice
Hit Die
+2 proficiency bonus
+0 Strength
+0 Dexterity
+3 Constitution
+6 Intelligence
+2 Wisdom
+1 Charisma
saving throws
+0 Acrobatics
+2 Animal Handling
+6 Arcana
+0 Athletics
+3 Deception
+4 History
+2 Insight
+1 Intimidation
+6 Investigation
+4 Medicine
+6 Nature
+4 Perception
+1 Performance
+3 Persuasion
+4 Religion
+0 Sleight of Hands
+0 Stealth
+4 Survival
skills Survival Persuasion Nature Medicine Investigation Arcana Deception Intelligence Constitution proficiencies

Armor Class
Hit Points
Fabius'sss Staff 1d20+2 1d6+0
PepperBox Pistol 12
alchemist tools
letherworkers tools
herbalist kit
tinkers tools
glassblowers tools
light armor
medium armor
simple weapons
hand crossbows
heavy crossbows

DC - 14
Spell Attack Bonus +7
Spell Modifire Bonus +4

alchemist tools
letherworkers tools
herbalist kit
glassblowers tools
tinkers tools
scale mail
4 empty potions
2x Acid Vile 2d6
1x Alchemist Fire 1d4/ture akcja dc10 dex
1x EXP Potion - Resilience +1AC na 10min.
2x łatwopalny trunek
magic missile lv5
złota figurka przedstawiająca demona

*Elemental Adept Poison - Spells you cast ignore resistance to damage of the chosen type, and creatures with immunity to the chosen type are instead treated as having resistance to the damage your spell inflicts. In addition, when you roll damage for a spell you cast that deals damage of that type, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2.
Personality Traits
Magical Tinkerning:
+ Czaszka na szycie kostura emituje światło na 5 stóp i słabe światło na kolejne 5 stóp.
+ Jeśli ktoś dotknie mój płaszcz bez mojego pozwolenia to emituje słowa "Jak jeszcze raz tkniesz mój płaszcz, to staniesz się kolejnym materiałem do moich eksperymentów".
+ Od wewnętrznej strony mojego płaszcza zapisane są litanie w języku demonów.
+ (otwarte)

  • Ideals
    + Enchance Arcane Focus +1 do trafien ignoruje half cover
    + (otwarte)

    Heroes Enabled

    The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

    [block: Cane 1d6 Hand crossbow 1d6]

    The statblocks of your class features

    [block: Cantrips: Acid Splash - dex sav. 1d6 range 60 Poison Spray - con. sav. 1d12 range 10]

    Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

    [block: Alchemist spells: 1lv Healing Word BON - 1d4+int heal range 60 1lv Ray of Sickness - ranged spell attack 2d8 i con. sav. poison do końca mojej nast. tury]

    Statblocks for race/species of the character.

    [block: Spells prepared: 1lv Alarm RIT - użyć na obiekcie]
    [block: alarmuje cie gdy ktoś go dotknie 1lv Detect Magic RIT - ujawnia szkołę wszystkich magicznych efektów 30 stóp wokół mnie na 10 min 1lv Catapult - wybierz item 150 stóp i rzuć nim na 90 dex sav 3d8 bludge 1lv Sanctuary BON - wybierz istotę 30 stóp każdy kto ją spróbuje trafić robi wis sav. ;;; musi wybrać inny cel 1lv Grease - 60f 10x10 ciężka powierzchnia kto na nią wchodzi lub kończy turę dex sav ;;; prone ]

    Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

    Statblocks for your spells.

    Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

    Created by

    Prince Tyrion.

    Statblock Type

    Character Sheet (Legacy)
