Amulet from greenteeth | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Amulet from greenteeth

Ring Allows user to re-roll natural 1s  

/*After every use,the user must make a charisma saving throw the next time they roll a nat 20 or else they must reroll that roll. If they succeed on the save(DC12) the user accumulates a charge on the amulet. Removing the amulet when a charge has been accrued that day gives a level of exaustion on a dc 12 saving throw Every Dawn, roll a d100 and if the number is below the number of charges, the item assumes its ascended form. Every day the user remains attuned and does not use the amulet a charge is lost.   In its ascended form the amulet can no longer be removed, as it becomes a tattoo on the user's chest. The user gains a +1 on all saves but disadvantage on all death saves. The amulet is sentient and encourages the user to take high risk high reward options. If the user refuses, the amulet can make the wearer make a charisma saving throw or accumulate another charge */

Varies (this item requires attunement)

A mysterious amulet gifted by Auntie Greenteeth  

/*This amulet contains the trapped spirit of the famous gambler Aarvay*/


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