Elemental Spells of Hue
7-level Conjuration
You call forth an elemental to possess a suit of armor that is not being worn by a creature or hung up on an object like a hanger or mannequin.
Once Summoned that Elemental possesses the suit of armor and takes the form a humanoid wearing the armor. The Elemental is friendly to you and your companions for the duration. Roll initiative for the elemental, which has its own turn. it Obeys and verbal commands that you issue to it. if you do not give it an order, it will defend itself from hostiles but otherwise will take no action
If you lose Concentration on the spell the elemental dose not disappear but instead becomes hostile to you and it might attack. An uncontrolled elemental can not be dismissed by you, and it disappears one hour after you summon it. When the Elemental disappears if its armor was not badly damaged while it was summoned, you may use it again. if not the armor is consumed