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Summon Mythic Vine

School conjuration [creation]; Level wizard/sorcerer Lv. 5; druid Lv. 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F, M
Range Close
Targets One 5ft square on fertile soil
Duration instantaneous

  Saving Throw None ;
  Spell Resistance No

  The caster summons a powerful Mythic Vine (Plant) on the designated square. When it is summoned, it appears on the square and deals 1d6 damage to a creature that is on the ground in the same square. If that creature is prone, it deals 1d6+2 damage instead. Also, when the Mythic Vine is summoned, the caster can use a standard action concentrating on the vine to tell it where to go, and when he/she does, the Mythic Vine can extend itself up to 30ft in any direction. The total length the vine can travel before being unable to grow anymore is 20ft + 10ft per caster level, and it cannot shrink in size or shift itself to be in a different position (aka, once the vine moves to a space, it cannot leave that space). The Mythic Vine can travel through any space occupied by a creature. When it does, that creature rolls a Reflex save with a DC of 15 + the original caster’s INT modifier. If the save succeeds, the vine goes through the creature’s square and pushes that creature to the nearest open space (that is not in the way of the vine’s path). If the save fails, the creature is dealt 1d4 damage per caster level and is grappled by the vine. When this happens, the vine’s caster may choose to either keep moving forward with the vine or to have it remain in the creature’s body. If it moves forward, the creature is considered grappled until it can break free from the grapple. If it remains in the body, the creature is still considered grappled, but the only way it can break free is by damaging the Mythic Vine enough to lower its HP to below 0. At the beginning of the grappled creature’s turn, every turn, that creature needs to make a Fortitude Save with a DC of 15 + the original caster’s INT modifier. If the save succeeds, nothing happens. If the save fails, that creature takes 1d8 damage per 2 original caster’s levels and if the creature is organic or otherwise alive (not undead or made of inorganic material), the vine recovers that much HP (HP cannot exceed maximum). If the vine remained inside a creature, it cannot move again until the creature it is inside is killed. The Mythic Vine has 50 max HP, 10 AC, and all saving throws are 0. When it is first summoned, the Mythic Vine starts off with 5HP per caster level up to 50 HP at level 10, and its current HP cannot exceed its max HP. Whenever a creature unrelated to the grappled creature touches the Mythic Vine, it must make a DC10 Reflex Save or be dealt 1d4 nonlethal damage.


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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

