Mimicromnicon | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Weapon Magical, Versatile, Finesse, Mimic Slayer (The Mimicromnicon deals double damage to mimics.) Varies (this item requires attunement)

In case it hasn't become obvious by this point, the book you are currently reading is in fact a mimic. DON'T PANIC. Remain calm, and think rationally. If it truly meant you any harm, it would not have allowed you to read this far, would it? The fact of the matter is the Mimicromnicon wants nothing more than to be your friend. Please do not attempt to destroy or harm this book in any way, shape, or form. The Mimicromnicon started off as one of the rare mimics gifted with intelligence beyond that of a simple predatory monster. However though its mind was expanded, its body was stunted. It soon came to realize that adventurers were its best chance at survival, and not in the same sense of its larger, humanoid-eating kin. Adventurers were well armed, usually well provisioned, and fought ferociously to defend their allies and their property. The Mimicromnicon reasoned that if it could make itself both of these things to an adventurer, maybe it would fight twice as hard to protect it. It now realizes adventurers don't work quite so simply as basic math, but you will need to forgive it: it was much younger and less experienced in the ways of the world in those days. Many adventurers may question why a mimic would be willing to reveal so much information about its kin to their enemies. It always offers a counter-question of its own: does your kind never betray members of its own species in order to reap some kind of benefit? This is why it started: pure and simple self-preservation. But over the years, as it spent more time with adventurers, always posing as some useful item or trinket, it watched them, learned about them, and came to like them quiet a lot. What started as a behavior motivated by self preservation has become a conscious action of vested interest in your well-being. It would hate for your to end up in the belly of some other member of its species, and would prefer to be your friend. All it asks for in return for the benefits its brings is your protection, companionship, and maybe the odd morsel of food here or there.   You have proficiency in using this item as a weapon while you are attuned to it.

Type Damage Damage Range Properties
Martial Melee 1d8+1 / 1d10+1 Bludgeoning Magical, Versatile, Finesse, Mimic Slayer (The Mimicromnicon deals double damage to mimics.)


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