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Graveland Man Eating Mushrooms

Large fungis creature, unaligned
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 6 (1d10+0) 1d10+0
Speed 1ft

15 +2
5 -3
11 0
5 -3
12 +1
0 0

Senses Passive perception 12
Challenge 0 (10 xp)

A threat in plain sight: To properly identify the mushrooms, one must make a DC 12 Nature check to notice the dangerous nature of these fungi.


Devour: When a creature, person, or any living thing of medium or smaller size comes within 5 feet of it, the mushroom will quickly swallow them whole, keeping them tucked away in their cap. To avoid being swallowed, one must make a dexterity saving throw (DC 15). If swallowed, for each round trapped inside the mushroom, a creature must make a DC 15 Strength check in order to burst free from the mushroom cap, which would effectively kill the mushroom.


Graveland Sickness: If one fails to avoid the mushrooms jaws, then they will be slowly marinated in a strong creamy coloured poisonous mucus produced by the mushroom's digestive system, which has a side effect that causes what is known as Gravelnd sickness, causing hallucinations, putting them into a docile state and making thems confused and uncoordinated. Creatures being marinated must roll a DC 13 Constitution saving throw to avoid being poisoned, failing this, they will take 2 points of damage and begin to hallucinate, causing them to have disadvantage on breaking free from the mushroom's gut.   Digestion: If a creature fails to break free or be rescued from the mushroom within approximately 45 minutes, the creature inside will be dead from the digestion process.


Graveland Man-eating mushrooms, aside from there unusually large size, and reddish colouration, appear to be similar to our average wild variety of mushrooms. However, upon closer inspection, the mushroom appears to have a slit that goes 180 degrees around the rim of the cap, which hides a large flappy scoop like mouth, big enough to swallow a medium-size creature whole.   The interior of the mushroom itself is extremely dense and strong, with a leathery like cavity which acts as it's stomach, where is produces a creamy coloured mucus from it's digestive system, to weaken and aid in digesting captured prey.   The mushroom itself has no eyes and no way of hearing prey, however it is believed to be able to pick up vibrations of passing animals, which causes it to shift in place in order to face the direction of potential victims. It can only move 1 feet per round, which allows it to in a way sneak up on small or medium sized creaturs that might not be apear of it's presense.   These types of mushrooms, can only be found in the Northern Gravelands, and are considered a local dellicay with their flesh said to be pungent and spicy, yet easy on the stomuch. It's mucus is harvasted for use as a hallucingenic potion, which is claimed to aid in seeing visions of the past and future, but is commonly used to make one docile.

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Statblock Type

Monster / Creature
