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Warlock 1 Class & Level
Far Traveler Background
Moon Elf Race
Neutral Evil Alignment

Strength 14
Dexterity 14
constitution 13
intelligence 11
wisdom 15
charisma 15
Total Hit Dice 1
Hit Die 1d8+1
2 proficiency bonus
2 Passive perception
2 Strength
2 Dexterity
1 Constitution
0 Intelligence
4 Wisdom
4 Charisma
saving throws
2 Acrobatics
2 Animal Handling
2 Arcana
2 Athletics
4 Deception
0 History
4 Insight
2 Intimidation
0 Investigation
2 Medicine
0 Nature
4 Perception
2 Performance
4 Persuasion
0 Religion
2 Sleight of Hands
2 Stealth
2 Survival
Hit Points
Common, Elvish, Sylvan


I express affection or contempt in ways that are unfamiliar to others.
Personality Traits
Cunning. Though I may not know their ways, neither do they know mine, which can be to my advantage.
Inquisitive. Everything is new, but I have a thirst to learn.
Suspicious. I must be careful, for I have no way of telling friend from foe here.
My freedom is my most precious possession. I'll never let anyone take it from me again.
I pretend not to understand the local language in order to avoid interactions I would rather not have.
I don't take kindly to some actions and motivations of the people of this land, because these folk are different from me.
I consider the adherents of other gods to be deluded innocents at best, or ignorant fools at worst.
All Eyes On You
Your accent, mannerisms, figures of speech, and perhaps even your appearance all mark you as foreign. Curious glances are directed your way wherever you go, which can be a nuisance, but you also gain the friendly interest of scholars and others intrigued by far-off lands, to say nothing of everyday folk who are eager to hear stories of your homeland. You can parley this attention into access to people and places you might not otherwise have, for you and your traveling companions. Noble lords, scholars, and merchant princes, to name a few, might be interested in hearing about your distant homeland and people.
Features & Traits

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Statblock Type

Character Sheet (2018)
