Ala'Xath | Gamma Haven Character Sheet | Gamma Haven | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Fishmonger , Cyquadrian

Racial Keyword

Cyberbrood Nesting

Ala’Xath has the innate ability to create a corrupted nest of fishmonger eggs that when hatched will quickly become a fully grown Cybermonger (half Fishmonger/Cyquadrian), any Cybermongers created this way will follow Ala’Xath’s commands. Cybermongers are enhanced the same way that Ala’Xath is giving them both Tentacles and weaker versions of her other enhancements.

Cyquadrian Ultra-Tentacle Conversion

Ala’Xath has undergone extensive modifications to perfect her form. These modifications take the form of ten ultra-strong and durable tentacles that can be used to protect herself, impale others and move quickly on both land and sea. there are also additional small body modifications that allow her to spend longer periods of time outside the water although they look quite monstrous to others.

Last of a Lost Empire

Ala’Xath is the last heir to a long-forgotten empire of the sea, her very blood allows her to call forth the lost empire's constructions and machines to rise from the sea, giving her the ability to construct anything she may need as long as she has access to the ocean.

The only path to perfection lies through me

Created by



Gamma Haven
