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Aatrox, The Darkin Blade

Weapon Heavy Legendary (this item requires attunement)

A towering sword with an aura of bloodlust looming in its presence. A red, glowing, organ-like vessel pulsates from the forte of the blade.
This weapon can be wielded proficiently by anyone with a strength of 12+ irrelevant of their actual proficiencies. However, the wielder doesn't get a bonus to damage, the damage bonus is instead taken from the Blood Well Table. When wielding this weapon, you gain an everlasting lust for battle. The more creatures slain with this weapon, the more power is imbued within. If a creature with an intelligence of 2 or higher dies while within 60ft of the blade, their soul drifts lifelessly out of the body, silently floating near the corpse. If approached, the soul will be encapsulated within the blade and is added to the Blood Well counter. When a soul is consumed in this way you regain a certain amount of hitpoints, (See the 'Blood Well' table.) if you are full health, these hit points are gained as temporary hit points and are only lost when taking damage. These temp hit points take the physical form of the wielder's veins becoming engorged and glowing with a pulsating rhythmic pattern, in time with that of the blade.  


The blade attracts enemies closer if attacked at a distance. When attacking a creature that is between 5 and 10ft away with this weapon, and successfully dealing damage to it, the wielder may force the target to make a STR saving throw. If they fail, they are pulled to within 5ft of you. The DC for the save is equal to 8 + The wielder's STR modifier + their proficiency bonus.   Aatrox Quotes

Type Damage Damage Range Properties
Martial Melee 2d6 Slashing Reach (10ft) Heavy

Weight: 14lbs



Souls Consumed

Bonus Damage

Healing Gained

10 Souls+1d4 Necrotic1 Hit Point
20 Souls+1d6 Necrotic1 Hit Point
30 Souls+1d8 Necrotic2 Hit Points
39 Souls+1d10 Necrotic2 Hit Points
48 Souls+1d12 Necrotic3 Hit Points
56 Souls+1d20 Necrotic3 Hit Points
64 Souls+1d20+1d4 Necrotic4 Hit Points
72 Souls+1d20+1d6 Necrotic5 Hit Points
79 Souls+1d20+1d8 Necrotic6 Hit Points
86 Souls+1d20+1d10 Necrotic7 Hit Points
92 Souls+1d20+1d12 Necrotic8 Hit Points
97 Souls+2d20 Necrotic9 Hit Points
100 Souls+3d20 Necrotic10 Hit Points

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