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Instrument of the Bards

Wondrous Item

Bards wielding an Instrument of the Bards had their charming abilities greatly amplified by their magic.


All Instruments of the Bards had the capability of storing spells. Besides the specific spells that each individual instrument could hold, a bard playing any one such instrument could invoke the spells Fly, Invisibility, Levitate, and Protection from Evil and Good, once a day, until the next dawn.

Uncommon (this item requires attunement) [Bard only]

The Instruments of the Bards were magical masterwork musical instruments that were extremely effective in the hands of bards.

They were in every way superior to their ordinary counterparts. Their powers could only be effectively used by bards, and in fact any non-bard that attempted to use one of these instruments ran the risk of injury.


The first of the Instruments of the Bards were created by a legendary bard in the Moonshae Isles named Falataer. He used the instruments to test and reward the students of each of the seven levels of his bardic college, which came to be regarded individually as legendary bard colleges in their own right.


These seven elder bardic colleges were all attended by an aspiring bard who wished to achieve the rank of master bard, traditionally in the following order: Fochlucan, Mac-Fuirmidh, Doss, Canaith, Cli, Anstruth, and Ollamh. This tradition was abandoned once these bardic colleges declined. However, starting from 1366 DR, some bards were attempting to restore this ancient tradition and the Colleges of Fochlucan and a revived New Olamn had been established and resumed their activities.


Over time, other bards copied the original designs, while retaining the original names in Falataer's honor.


InstrumentRarityAbilitiesAdditional Spells
Anstruth harpVery RareMagical harps capable of controlling elements and healing, among other magical powers.Control Weather, Cure Wounds, Wall of Thorns
Canaith mandolinRareMagical mandolins that had healing powers and provided protection from lightning, among other magical powers.Cure Wounds, Dispel Magic, Protection from Energy - Lightening only
Cli lyreRareMagical lyres that held protective spells, as well as other magical powers.Stone Shape, Wall of Fire, Wind Wall
Doss luteUncommonSuperior magical lutes, capable of channeling nature-based and healing spells when played.Animal Friendship, Protection from Energy - Fire only, Protection from Poison
Fochlucan bandoreUncommonMagical bandores that contained nature-based magic, as well as other magical powers.Entangle, Faerie Fire, Shillelagh, , Cure Wounds, Fog Cloud
Ollamh harpLegendaryThese extremely powerful magical harps could control the weather and the minds of listeners, among other magical powers.Confusion, Control Weather, Fire Storm

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