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Zarametia Chendyr Wanynbrinr CN
Character Name Alignment
Striker (Voidrusher) 1 , Incanter 1 , Legendary Wizard (Familiar Wizard) 1 ,
Summoner Unchained (Champion, Viod Conduit) 3
Character Level
Djin Returned Aasimar
Type: Outsider (Native, Aasimar)
PB: 7, 7, 18, 18, 9, 10
Race Size
F 136 (379)
Gender Age
6'5" 175
Height Weight
- -
Hair Eyes
Chaos Itself
- Bayt
Deity Homeland
- 0
Domain/Oath/Patron/School XP

Ability Score Mod T.Adj T.Mod
7 -2 10 +0
9 -1 12 +1
20 +5 23 +6
22 +6 N/A +6
7 -2 N/A -2
10 +0 N/A +0
 Change in tracker!
HP Total
Dam Red
Spell Res
Total AC
Flat Footed
Flat Footed + Touch
Save Total Base Ability Magic Misc Temp
Fortitude +12 +3 CON +6 +1 +2 +0
Reflex +7 +3 DEX +1 +1 +2 +0
Will +0 +3 WIS -2 +1 -2 +0
Saving Throw Notes

Outfit Dependant vs. Environmental

+7 to Fort vs. Cold Weather / +2 to Fort vs. Warm or Hot Weather / nothing. (see outfits: default +7 vs. cold in Illu, +2 vs. hot in Bayt, nothing elsewhere.)

Combat Maneuver Bonus CMB
CMB BaB STR Size Misc
+2 +2 +0 +0 +0
Combat Maneuver Defense CMD
CMD Base BaB STR DEX Size Misc
13 10 +2 +0 +1 +0 +0

Mortal TonguesHumanoid
Common, Elven
Dead Languages
Ancient Osirian
Magic TonguesElemental
Aklo, Sylvan
Draconic, Sphinx
Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal

A: 2
B: 2+1
C: 0+6
M: 1+5
P: 2
Per Day
17 P
19 C
Spell List


Conjuration CL 6+1Wanynbrinr - CL 7+1
Archetype: Avatar; Base Form: Biped;Forms (4+1): Otherworldly Paragon, Natural Aspect (Fast Healing 1), (x2) Battle Creature, Armored Companion
CL 6; Bound Creature - Archetype: Mage; Base Form: Serpentine; Forms (1): Magical Companion, Implement Bearer, Altered Size (Small to Tiny)
BarrageMelee Archer
You gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 ft. Ranged weapons threaten a within 5' of you while you have martial focus, and you do not provoke attacks of opportunity for making ranged attacks of opportunity.
Special Attack Action; Makes 2 ranged attacks, each at -2. At +6 BAB, can expend martial focus to make an additional attack for each itterative attack, increasing the penalty to hit for all attacks by an additional -2 for each attack. By choosing to make all attacks against different targets, make another attack, increasing to two more attacks at +10 BAB, these attacks do not increase the pentalty on attack rolls.
  • Blitz Focus: If at least two barrage attacks hit, she regains martial focus.
  • Mobile Focus
    by moving between 10' and half her maximum movement speed as part of a move action, she regains martial focus.
    EquipmentArchery Bash
    you suffer no penalties for using a bow, crossbow, or firearm as an improvised melee weapon, the enhancement bonus on such weapons apply to the melee attack roll and damage, attacks made using such weapons as improvised melee weapons do not provoke attacks of opportunity, and you threaten normally in melee, as if such weapons were non-reach melee weapons.
    Warp CL5Teleport
    Standard Action; Teleport self and up to heavy load to a location within close range. You must of have line of sight to your destination.
    • +1 SP: reduce casting time to Move Action
    • +1 SP: increase range to medium
    Lamp Storage
    She can use her Genie lamp as an extradimensional space, which can store up to 25lbs per CL plus the weight limit added by the Pocket Space trait (+5lbs; 130lbs total). This space cannot hold anything larger than a small object (or a number of smaller objects roughly equal in size). only inanimate, unattended objects can be pulled into of retrieved from the space as a move action--which counts as drawing equipment normally. A portal can be made to store or retrieve objects anywhere within arm's reach.

    Vancian Spellcasting

    Wizard SpellbookCantrips
    Cantrips: All Wizard Cantrips not of Abjuration School
    1st Level
    Ant haul, Arcane Pocket, Crafter's Fortune, Deja Vu, Endure Elements, Identify, Mount, Unseen Servant
    Wizard (Path of the Prodigy)
    Spells Prepared
    Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic, Scivener's Chant
    1st Level
    Endure Elements

    Spellcasting Notes

    Spell Points

    Vanican Spell Points: 2+2=4
    Sphere Spell Points: 5+12+3=17
    Casting Tradition
  • Casting Type: Divine
  • Casting Modifier: Cha
  • Focus Casting, Somatic Casting x2, Skilled Casting (Puppet Shows), Magical Signs
  • Boon: +1/odd class level, Bound Creature
  • Proficiencies
  • Class: Proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, and bucklers.
  • Equipment Sphere:
    1. Firearm Proficiency: Gain Proficiency with all Firearms (except siege weapons).
    2. Archery Bash: Bows, Crossbows, or Firearms as Improvised Melee Weapons
  • Weapon Familiarity: Orc Hornbow & Kopesh
  • CL
  • Conjuration Sphere: 6 (7 talents)
  • Creation, Life, and Warp Spheres: 5 (Warp 3 talents)
  • Power Spheres: 2
  • Might Spheres: 2 - (Equipment 2, Barrage 3)
  • Vancian: 1 (Wizard 1)
    • Conjuration: 4
  • Barrage
    Base, Blitz Focus, Mobile Focus, Spinning Shot, (x2) Vigilant Sharpshooter
    2 companions, 5 forms (see the companions)
    Archery Bash, Firearm Proficiency
    Base, Personal Warp -> Quick Teleport, (x2) Extradimensional Storage

    Talent Sources
    Blended Talents: 4 TalentsMight Talents: 5 TalentsPower Talents: 9 Talents
    • Champion Summoner: 2 Talents
    • Oath 3op: 1 Talent
    • Voidrusher: 1 Talent
    • Martial Tradition: 4 Talents
    • Voidrusher: 1 Equipment Talent
    • 1st Casting Class: 2 Talents
    • Bound Creature: 1 Companion
    • Incanter: 1 Talent and 1 Conjuration Talent
    • Void Conduit: 1 Extra Companion (Wanynbrinr) & 2 Form Talents on Wanynbrinr
    • Voidrusher: 1 Form Talent on Wanynbrinr

    Adventuring Skills
    CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
      Acrobatics -2 (DEX)  +1 +0 -3
      Bluff +4 (CHA)  +0 +3 +1
      Climb -3 (STR)  +0 +0 -3
    Diplomacy -4 (CHA)  +0 +0 -4
    Disguise -4 (CHA)  +0 +0 -4
      Escape Artist -2 (DEX)  +1 +0 -3
    Fly -2 (DEX)  +1 +0 -3
    Heal -6 (WIS)  -2 +0 -4
    Intimidate -4 (CHA)  +0 +0 -4
    Knowledge: Arcana +12 (INT)  +6 +3 +3
    Knowledge: Dungeoneering +6 (INT)  +6 +0 +0
    Knowledge: Local +12 (INT)  +6 +3 +3
    Knowledge: Nature +12 (INT)  +6 +3 +3
    Knowledge: Planes +12 (INT)  +6 +3 +3
    Knowledge: Religion +12 (INT)  +6 +3 +3
    Knowledge: Psionics +10 (INT)  +6 +1 +3
    Knowledge: Martial +12 (INT)  +6 +3 +3
      Perception -6 (WIS)  -2 +0 -4
      Ride -2 (DEX)  +1 +0 -3
    Sense Motive -6 (WIS)  -2 +0 -4
      Stealth -2 (DEX)  +1 +0 -3
      Survival -6 (WIS)  -2 +0 -4
      Swim -3 (STR)  +0 +0 -3
    Background Skills
    CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
    Appraise +6 (INT)  +6 +0 +0
    Knowledge: Engineering +6 (INT)  +6 +0 +0
    Knowledge: Geography +6 (INT)  +6 +0 +0
    Knowledge: History +13 (INT)  +6 +3 +4
    Knowledge: Nobility +13 (INT)  +6 +3 +4
    Linguistics* +12 (INT)  +6 +3 +3
    Perform: Puppet Shows +2 (CHA)  +0 +3 -1
    Perform: Other -4 (CHA)  +0 +0 -4
    Profession: All -6 (WIS)  -2 +0 -4
    Custom Skills
    CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc

    * only usable when trained (rank 1 and higher)
    Skill Notes
    Skill Points: 34
    Background: Bound Djin
    Knowledge (History), Knowledge (nobility)

    Tools: Diving Suit
    +1 Circumstance to Swim

    Bonus FeatsEternal Transformation (Background ∴ lvl 1)
    Gain benefits of the Orb Transformation talent's Aura of Facination and Float traits, granting a float speed of 30'+5'/5HD at a height of 5'+5'/5HD off the ground and a 30' aura in which creatures must make a will save (DC Int-Based) or be facinated until they leave the aura. The aura does not function if stunned, paralyzed, unconscious, dead, or otherwise incapacitated. Finally, the Float speed causes her to fall at a speed of 30' per round and can be used while falling to move in any direction (including upwards) at a rate of 30' per round. This is done through Anthropomorphic Transformation, and thus acts akin to Blank Transformation and does not alter or remove her physical or racial abilities prior to this transformation.
    Spell Focus (Conjuration, Major Drawback ∴ lvl 1)
    +1 DC for Conjuration spells.
    Bloatmage Initiate (Conjuration, Flaw ∴ lvl 1)
    +1 CL for Conjuration Spells, always take the penalties of being encumbered at medium load.
    Varisian Tattoo (Idolis, Flaw ∴ lvl 1)
    +1 CL for Conjuration Spells, gain Acid Splash as a Spell-Like Ability 3/day.

    Item Creation Feats (Firearm Proficiency ∴ lvl 1, L. Wiz 1 ∴ lvl 3)
    Gunsmithing (Firearm Proficiency), Scribe Scroll (L. Wiz 1)
    Leveling Feats1) Companion Teleport
    When you teleport yourself, you may also teleport a companion creature with you. Both you and the touched companion creature count as a single creature for the teleport. This functions regardless of the Personal Warp drawback.
    3) Rapid Reload (Firearm)
    Reduce the time to reload a firearm by 1 step.


    TraitsBinder's Blood (Social)
    Having been transformed into a bound genie, she gains a +2 trait bonus on any Charisma-based checks when directly interacting with a genie.
    Innocent (Race)
    Magic Wardrobe (Equipment)
    As a swift action, you can swap an outfit you are currently wearing for another outfit in your possession, as well as don or remove individual pieces of clothing or jewelry. If you choose to affect a magical piece of clothing (such as a hat or ring) you are limited to only affecting it, either swapping it with another magical item of the same slot, removing it, or donning it. You may not use this trait to don or remove armor, but you may draw things from an extradimensional storage from the Warp sphere. This trait is a supernatural ability.
    Pocket Space (Magic)
    Her genie Lamp can store an addtional 5 lbs, increasing by 5 lbs at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter.
    Sun Orchid Resilience (Region: Bayt)
    You have consumed the Sun Orchid Elixir and gained a measure of its restorative properties. Once per day, you can regain a number of hit points equal to your Constitution modifier as an immediate action.
    DrawbacksIdle Theorist (Drawback)
    Her fragmented memories sometimes taint her understanding of the world, recalling similar things and conflating them with what is before her. when she fails a skill check or rolls a natural 1 while attempting to recall information, she recalls a piece of incorrect but believable information. cannot take 10 or use the Aid Another action with checks made to recall information.
    Overly Cautious (Major Drawback)
    You always go last in initiative order. You cannot take Improved Initiative. If multiple creatures with Overly Cautious are in the same encounter, they roll initiative only to determine what order they go in after all other characters have gone each round.
    Pathetic (Flaw)
    -2 Strength
    Unreactive (Flaw)
    -6 initiative modifier
    OathsForbidden Knowledge (Disonant Realities): +4op
    Oath: Filled with too many fragmented memories, too much knowledge for a feeble mortal body to hold, Zarametia's mind wanders and becomes disoriented across the centuries. she takes a -4 penalty on Wisdom and Charisma based checks, cannot take 10 on such checks and must succeed a DC 22 will save or become confused for 1d6 rounds when finding herself in a stressful situation (such as combat).
    Defiance Penalty: The only method by which you may come to terms with your knowledge is by erasing it from your mind. If you ever cure yourself of this severance, you take a penalty on Intelligence checks and skill checks equal to half your character level.
    Atonement: To regain this forbidden knowledge, you must rediscover what nightmarish secrets you have forgotten, which involves at least 3 days worth of research or exploration into the source which once fueled your forbidden abilities. After this time, you regain the severance associated with this oath.
    Integral Oath of Burdens: +1op
    As a great curse, Zarametia is bound to her lamp, carrying it along as it's weight baloons in her hands, consuming a carry weight no less than her light load+1 lb.
    Oath of Ritual: +1op
    Oath: You must perform a specific physical or magical ritual every day to maintain your abilities. This ritual takes one hour to perform and can be performed anywhere, but requires that you either spend 5 gp per character level or reduce your maximum hit points by an amount equal to your character level for 24 hours every time you perform the ritual.
    Defiance Penalty: Any day which you do not perform the ritual, all of your ability scores are treated as being 2 lower for all purposes.
    Atonement: To atone, you must perform the ritual once again every day for at least 3 days, making an additional sacrifice worth 100 gp x your character level squared on one of those days.
    Oath BoonsBonus Talents: -3op
    Gain bonus Blended Talents, one each at levels 2, 6, 10, 14, and 18.
    Enhanced Abilities: -2op
    Your Oath grants you strength and acuity beyond that of your kin. At 4th level and every even-numbered level thereafter, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to one of your ability scores. These bonuses do not stack with each other until you are at least 10th level, at which point they may stack up to a maximum of +4. This improves to a maximum of +6 at 13th level. From level 13 onwards, you gain two +2 ability score bonuses at every level rather than just one at even-numbered levels.
    +0 str, +0 dex, +0 con, +0 int, +0 wis, +0 cha
    Inhuman Resilience: -1op
    Resistance bonus to saves: +1/3HD; max +5
    Enhancement bonus to natural armor: +1/3(HD-2 max +5
    Racial TraitsAbility Scores
    +2 to Str, Dex, & Con; +4 to Int; -2 to Wis
    I am a multiclassing slut, and I have yet to take levels in my favored class of Thaumaturge.
    60' Darkvision
    Low-Light Vision
    Ancient Foe
    The Returned gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC and a +2 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks made to grapple against creatures of the Humanoid (Orc) type.
    Touch of the Veiled Whisper
    The Returned gains a +2 racial bonus to all saving throws. This blessing manifests as subtle, almost imperceptible whispers that seem to guide them away from harm.
    Replaces: Eternal Hope & Lucky
    Spell Resistance
    Gain SR 11+HD
    Weapon Familiarity
    Gain Proficiency with the Orc Hornbow and the Kopesh
    Gen TradLife Span
    Elven aging and lifespan, these are two drawbacks and two boons and do not differ from a typical Elven Returned Aasimar.
    Due to her transformation into her genie form taking place at a young age, she did not gain the benefits of normal socialization in her upbringing, with most of her interactions with others becoming limited to being called forth from her lamp to grant some selfish wish.
    Instead of passing to the afterlife upon death, she reincarnates into a new body elsewhere, losing all be the vaguest of sense for the events of her past lives from her memory. This reincarnation is not instant, and does not prevent resurrections that occur within 22 years of her death.

    Name AB Critical Type Range Ammo Dmg
    Kopesh +2 19-20x2 S - - 1d8
    Orc Hornbow +2 x3 P 80' - 2d6
    Battered Pistol +2 x4 B&P 20' 1 cap 1d8
    Wanynbrinr Slam +11 x2 B - - 1d4+11
    Wanynbrinr Revolver +13 x4 B&P 20' 6 cap 1d8
    Name ACB Type Check Penality Spell Failure Weight Properties
    Armored Companion+3Armor---Conduit Visage
    Medium Load+0Encumbrance-3--20' speed, Max Dex +3
    Otherworldly Shield+0Class Feature---Void's Comfort
    Arms & Equipment

    Total Weight 69.? lbs.Medium Load
    Light38 penalty
    Medium76 lbs.Max Dex +3 Check Penalty -3 Speed 20' Run x4
    Heavy115 lbs.Max Dex +1 Check Penalty -6 Speed 20' Run x3
    Coin Purse
    PP: 45GP: 0SP: 0CP: 0
    Goods: 0Influence: 0Labor: 0Magic: 0
    WeaponsBattered Pistol
    Source: Firearm Proficiency Martial Tradition
    Value: 4d10gp; Weight: 4lbs; Hardness: 5; HP: 5
    Category: One-Handed; Proficiency: Exotic, Yes; Weapon Groups: Firearms
    Misfire: 1 (5' Capacity: 1; Firearm Category: Early
    Value: 20gp; Weight: 8lbs; Hardness: 10; HP: 5
    Category: One-Handed; Proficiency: Exotic, Yes; Weapon Groups: Heavy Blades
    Special: Trip
    Orc Hornbow
    Value: 130gp; Weight: 7lbs; Hardness: 5; HP: 5
    Category: Ranged; Proficiency: Exotic, Yes; Weapon Groups: Bows
    Mighty: +0
    ClothingOutfits: Cold-Weather
    Combines both the Cold Weather Outfit and additional Furs
    Value: 20gp; Weight: 12lbs
    Provides a +5 Circumstance bonus and a +2 untyped bonus to Fotitude saves to resist cold weather. The untyped bonus does not stack with the bonus provided by the survival skill.
    Diving Suit
    Value: 10gp; Weight: 2lbs
    This one-piece suit of clothing reduces one’s drag in the water, making swimming easier. It provides a +1 circumstance bonus on Swim checks. This clothing item does not provide its benefits in conjuction with wearing armor or other clothing items over top of it, and damage from slashing or piercing attacks over multiple rounds can render the suit useless until repaired.
    Value: 8gp; Weight: 4lbs
    +2 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist warm or hot weather. This bonus does not stack with the bonus gained from the survival skill.
    Value: 180gp; Weight: 10lbs
    Includes 100 gold worth of jewelry and a signet ring of the Wanynbrinr family.

    Head: Snow Goggles
    Value: 12gp
    You are always treated as averting your gaze when dealing with gaze attacks, and you gain a +8 circumstance bonus on saving throws against visual-based attacks (any attack that a blind creature would be immune to). You take a –4 penalty on Perception checks while wearing the goggles, and all opponents are treated as having concealment (20% miss chance). In addition, they provide immunity to polar mirages.
    Summoner's Rings (+1 Conjuration Implement)
    Value: 2000gp; Weight: 1lbs; Slot: none
    These large hoop earings act as a +1 conjuration implement
    Underwater Goggles
    Value: 5gp
    Any Land-dweller wearing goggles can use visual perception like an aquatic native (do not take -4 penalty and risk of harm to eyes).
    ToolsMasterwork Backpack
    Value: 50gp; Weight: 5lbs
    Increase strength score for purposes of carry capacity by +1.
    Pavilion Tent
    Value: 115gp; Weight: 65lbs
    Holds 10 Medium creatures comfortably, additionally has space to include a small fire inside the tent. This tent takes 90 minutes to set up.
  • Tent Cover: increasing setup time by 1 minute, tent grants occupants +5 circumstance bonus to saves against dust storms, rain, snow, and other harmful weather conditions. Also grants DR 5/- against swarm damage caused by diminutive or smaller swarms that are outside the tent. such a swarm can enter the tent with a DC 20 reflex save made as a full round action.
  • MiscBound Genie Lamp (Integral Oath of Burdens)
    Weight: enough to bring her into the minimum for Medium Load on its own (Currently 39 lbs)
    The Lamp with which she was transformed into a djin and bound to the service of her former masters for 300 years. The Lamp still binds her and is bound to her, though it can be difficult to notice the trickling mist that links them. It is as much a part of her as her hips from which it hangs.
    Storing 88 of 130 lbs. (see Warp spells):
      • Weapons: Orc Hornbow
      • Clothing: Diving Suit, Hot Weath Outfit, Noble Outfit
      • Tools: Pavilion Tent, Tent Cover
      • Supplies: Water Barrel

    Class Features

    Champion Sphere Summoner Unchained (Void Conduit)Avatar - Wanynbrinr
    Gain a Conjuration Companion as a bonus talent, granting the gained companion the Avatar Achetype. Sphere Summoners are considered High-Casters specifically with regards to their Avatar's strength. The Avatar counts as the Summoner's Eidolon.
    • Avatar Mastery: the Avatar benefits from an additional form talent for every odd level the Summoner possesses. When the Summoner rests and regains spell points, she may choose to replace a form talent gained through this ability.
      • Forms: Natural Aspect (Fast Healing 1), Armored Companion
    • Conduit Visage: when resting to regain spell points, choose a number of form talents possessed by the Avatar and apply their benefits to yourself. If the form talent requires a spell point, it must be spent at the start of the day. Any attribute bonuses from these form talents become insight bonuses. Use class level as the caster level or your HD to determine the benefits of these form talents.
      • Selected: Otherworldly Paragon (+3 str/dex/con), Armored Companion (+3)
    As a Swift Action, grant the Avatar a single Move, Standard, or Swift action immediately. This ability has a 1d4 round cooldown.
    Otherworldly Shield
    +1/4HD bonus to AC & CMD
    Striker (Voidrusher)Reaper's Tools
    gain a bonus Equipment Sphere talent and treat all melee weapons she is proficient in as unarmed strikes for purposes of striker class features.
    She can gain a maximum amount fo tension equal to her Constitution modifier. If she remains out of combat for a minute or longer, she loses all her tension. She can gain Tension, once per round each, in the following ways:
    • Defensive Determination: When she takes damage originating from a creature, she gains 1 tension. she does not gain tneion when flat-footed or unaware.
    • Maneuvering Momentum: when she moves at least 10' during her turn, she gains 1 tension.
    • Shadow of the Void: at the start of her turn, she may designate a single target creature as a free action. If she deals damage to the target before the start of her next turn, she gains 1 tension and deals +1d6 damage to the target.

    Tension can be spent as a free action in the following ways:
    • X Tension:
      • Minor Breach: As a standard action, initiate an Ubral Tension Technique--that is not Communio--which would make an attack roll. This Umbral Tension Technique is made as a special attack action and chooses a singular target of the technique to take any attack action effects. The technique is otherwise a normal attack against the remaining targets. This technique costs twice the cost of the Umbral Tension Technique it emulates, but as Tension instead of Umbral Tension.
    1. Tension:
      • Expert Guard: gain a stacking +1 circumstance bonus on all saving throws until the beginning of her next turn.
      • Light Step: As a swift action, select a target creature and do not provoke attacks of opportunity from them for movement.
      • Stalwart Form: gain DR 1/- until the beginning of her next turn. This DR tacks with similar DR, such as itself.
      • Expert Guard: gain a stacking +1 dodge bonus to AC until the beginning of her next turn.
    2. Tension:
      • Critical Knuckle: Increase Critical Threat Range of melee weapons she is proficient with by 1 until the start of her next turn. This increase stacks with other increases to threat range, but is applied last.
      • Swift Focus: regain Martial Focus as a swift action.
      • Umbral Stalk: As a swift action, the avatar performs a single melee attack with a -2 penalty.
    3. Tension:
      • Second Chance: reroll a saving throw after the result has been revealed, this can make the result worse.
      • Speed Step: As a swift action, she moves up to her move speed with whatever funny movement mode she has.

    When she spends a point of tension, she builds up a pool of expent tension at a one to one value. At the start of her turn, she gains an amount of Umbral Tension equal to half this expent tension, and returns her amount of expent tension to 0. She may only possess a maximum amount of Umbral Tension equal to half her maximum amount of Tension.
    Umbral Tension can be used as a free action in the following ways:
    • X Umbral:
      • Void Gauge: At the start of her turn, she gains a circumstance bonus to all attack and damage rolls equal to the amount of Umbral Tension she has. This does not expend the umbral tension and lasts until the start of her next turn.
      • Enshroud: As a full round action, which can be taken only when she possesses at least half her maximum Umbral Tension, she gains the Enshrouded status and gains a number of Umbral Action Points equal to her BAB/5+1. Attacks made using these action points incur normal penalties as if part of an itterative full attack action. At the start of her next turn, she loses the Enshrouded status and any remaining Umbral Action Points.
    • 0 Umbral:
      • Ingress/Egress: Spend 1 Umbral Action Point and teleport up to 40' plus 10'/4 Voidrusher levels. This movement must either be directly towards or away from a creature.
      • Void Reaping: Spend 1 Umbral Action Point and make a single attack, dealing additional damage equal to her Intelligence modifier.
      • Waxing Slice: Spend 1 Umbral Action Point and make a single attack, if successful, total all damage from the voidrusher's attacks against the struck target before applying DR or Hardness.
    1. Umbral:
      • Regress: Spend 1 Umbral Action Point and teleport to any space where she used Ingress/Egress Since she gained the Enshrouded status. This techinque can optionally be used as an immediate action. if used in response to an attack of area effect, she gains gains evasion and a dodge bonus to AC and Reflexes equal to half her Voidrusher level.
      • Grim Reaping: Spend 1 Umbral Action Point and attack all creatures within a cone of a size equal to her reach+10' (minimum 15') that originates from her space. All targets hit by this area attack must succeed on a DC 10+1/2 Voidrusher level+Int Reflex saving throw or be moved 5' closer to her and into an unoccupied space within the cone.
      • Plentiful Harvest: Spend 1 Umbral Action Point and attack all creatures within a line of a length equal to her reach+5' (minimum 10'). Increase the damage of the attack by 1d6. This Technique can only be used once per round and if used while under the Enshrouded status, she increases her expended tension by 2.
      • Whorl of Death: Spend 1 Umbral Action Point and attack all creatures within her reach. All targets hit by this area attack can be moved 5' in any direction of her choice, unless they would end that movement in a hazardous area (unless they are already in the area of that hazard).
    2. Umbral:
      • Cross Reaping: Spend 1 Umbral Action Point and draw two 15' lines which intersect in the center, such that the center of the lines is within her reach. Attack all creatures within the lines and deal an additional 1d6 damage. This Technique can only be used once per round.
    3. Umbral:
      • Commmunio: Spend 1 Umbral Action Point and creat a close range burst centers on a creature within close range. Attack all creatures within the burst, dealing an additional 1d6 damage. This Technique consumes all remaining Umbral Tension and increases damage by 1 for each additional point of Umbral Tenshin spent beyond the required 3. She Immediately loses the Enshrouded status and all remaining action points once the attack concludes.
    IncanterSphere Specialization (Conjuration)
    +1 Caster Level to Conjuration Sphere.
    Legendary Wizard (Familiar Wizard)Arcane School (Conjuration)
    +1 Caster Level to the Conjuration School.
  • Active: Teleport up to 30' per day as standard actions with no one teleportation being less than 5'. Willing creatures can be brought with her, multiplying the distance consumed by the number of creatures being teleported. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
  • Familiar
    Gain a familiar, because haha funny meme, me want her have more pets. This is entirely gratuitous at this point.

    The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

    The statblocks of your class features

    Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

    Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.


    Zarametia Chendyr Wanynbrinr Avatar

    Conjuration Companion (Avatar) CL 7 CN M


    AC: 28, touch 18, flat-foot 20 (+8 Dex, +5 Armor, +5 Natural Armor)
    HP: 96 6d10+36 ( Fast Healing 1 )
    Fortitude: +12 Reflex: +11 Will: +7 ( +4 morale vs. Charm & Enchantment )
    Defensive Abilities: Evasion


    Melee: Ghost Touch Slam +15/+15 (1d4+11) 10' reach +2 Ghost Touch Kopesh +17/+17 (1d8+7) +2 Ghost Touch Heavy Mace +17/+17 (1d8+7)
    Ranged: +2 Ghost Touch Revolver 20': +17/+12 vs. Touch (1d8) +2 Ghost Touch Longbow 110': +17/+12 (1d8+7)
    Special Attacks: Barrage +13/+13/+13/+13 vs. Touch (1d8) all attacks must be against different targets. Barrage +13/+13/+13/+13 (1d8+7) all attacks must be against different targets.
    Spell-like Abilities: Martial Tradition
    Custom Training (Revolver, Kopesh, Longbow


    Str 25, Dex 26, Con 23, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 12
    Base Attack: +6
    Feats: Armory
    Gain 1+1/4HD weapons as per the Battle Creature form talent
    Eternal Transformation
    Gain benefits of the Cosmic Body's Spirit's Reach and Spiritual Touch traits, causing her weapons and natural weapons to be treated as though they possessed the Ghost Touch property and her natural attack to have 5'+5'/10HD more reach. This is done through Anthropomorphic Transformation, and thus acts akin to Blank Transformation and does not alter or remove her physical or racial abilities prior to this transformation.
    Variable Armaments
    Can change the enhancements bonuses on her Battle Creature Form weapons, trading out enhancements for armorist special abilities.
    Skills: +14 Acrobatics
    Languages: Ancient Osirian

    Battle Creature (Form)

    Proficient with all simple weapons, gains a martial tradition, and appears with up to 3+1/4HD weapons with which is it proficient. These weapons are Masterwork with an enhancement bonus equal to 1/3HD (max +5). The enhancement bonuses on these weapons can be traded for abilities off of the Armorist Bound Equipment table, but not such that a weapon is reduced below a +1 enhancement bonus.
    Weapon List:
    1. +2 Revolver
    2. +2 Longbow
    3. +2 Kopesh
    4. +2 Heavy Mace
    5. 8HD
    6. 12HD
    7. 16HD
    8. 20HD
    Mirror of the Master
  • The avatar is affected by any non-instantaneous effects which affect its caster, both beneficial and detrimental. An effect applied to the avatar this way ignores all immunities the avatar possesses, and if the effect ends for the caster, it ends for the avatar.
  • Whenever the avatar’s caster would benefit from an effect that restores hit points or removes a condition or effect (such as ability damage, negative levels, etc.), the avatar also benefits from that effect.
  • The avatar shares the effects of any magic items the caster benefits from (with the exception of magic weapons, armor, shields, or which otherwise need to be wielded to function). The avatar does not need to possess the appropriate appendages to benefit from a magic item this way.

    Zindembar, Bound Creature

    Conjuration Companion (Bound Creature) CL 6 CN T


    AC: AC 23, Touch 17, Flat-Foot 18 (+5 Dex, +6 Natural Armor, +2 Size)
    HP: 40 5d6+10
    Fortitude: +3 Reflex: +9 Will: +4 ( +4 morale vs. Charm & Enchantment )
    Defensive Abilities: Evasion


    Speed: 20'
    Space: 2.5' Reach: 0'
    Spell-like Abilities: Life Sphere Cl 3+1; 6 SP
    Base, Restore Senses, Deeper Healing

    Cure (Cost: 1 SP)
    As a standard action, heal target for 2d8+2CL, target is also cured of the Confused, Dazed, Frightened, and Panicked conditions, senses which had been temporarily or magically removed are restored, and cures 1d4 points of sanity damage. This is a positive Energy Effect.
    Invigorate (Cost: 0 SP)
    As a standard action, grant target 2CL temp HP for 1 hour. This temp HP can only be used on an injured target and cannot bring them above their maximum HP before taking other sources of temp HP into account.
    Restore (Cost: 1 SP)
    As a standard action, select Body, Mind, or Soul and heal the corresponding conditions:
  • Mind: removes Dazzled, Shaken, and Staggered conditions, and then reduce the target's Fear by 1 step (Panicked to Frightened to Shaken).
  • Body: removes Battered, Fatigued, and Sickened, and then reduces Exhaustion to Fatigued and Nauseated to Sickened.
  • Soul: Heals 1d4 ability damage to a score of your choice.
  • If the condition was the result of an on-going effect, the condition is instead suppressed for CL rounds.


    Str 8, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 13
    Base Attack: +2
    Feats: Extra Magic Talent (x3)
    Skills: +6 Knowledge (Arcana)
    Languages: Draconic

    Ascol, Familiar

    Familiar (Valet) 1 CN T Magical Beast, Viper
    Senses: low-light vision, scent


    AC: AC 17. Touch 15, Flat-Foot 14 (+3 Dex, +2 Natural, +2 Size)
    HP: 22 3
    Fortitude: +2 Reflex: +6 Will: +4


    Speed: 20', 20' Climb, 20' Swim
    Melee: bite +7 (1d2–2 plus poison)
    Special Attacks: Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 10; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Con; cure 1 save.
    Space: 2.5' Reach: 0'
    Spell-like Abilities: At Will --- Open/Close, Prestidigitation


    Str 4, Dex 17, Con 8, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 2
    Base Attack: +2
    Feats: Cooperative Crafting, Master's Item Creation Feats, Master's Teamwork Feats
    Skills: Bluff -1, Climb +11, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Local, Nature, Nobility, Planes, Psionics, Religion) +1, Knowledge (Martial) -1, Linguistics +1, Perception +9, Perform (Puppet Shows) -1, Stealth +15, Swim +11
    Racial Modifiers: +8 Climb, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth, +8 Swim

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