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Way of the Judgmental Fist

Is this you?:
DM: You enter a town hall and and see the mayor talking to someone in a dark robe. they appear to be disscussing-
Monk: I punch the mayor.
DM: ...Why, you've never met them?
Monk: He deserves it.
Then pick this sub class to aid in your valient quest to to punch all the faces that need to be punched.
hit dice:
hit points at 1st level:
hit points at higher levels:
armor proficiencies:
weapon proficiencies:
saving throws:
skills: .
starting equipment:
Choose 1 of the following:
  • Supream noledge. Learn all level 9 spells, including wish, but never have spell slots.
  • Imyeilding powder. Have 20 level 9 spell slots but never learn any spells or gain any features that can use spell slots.

  • Have you picked one? Good. You don't get it. You're a monk, go punch the wizard.
    class features:
    subclass options:

    Judicious Punch

    At 3rd level, you can use your bonus action and spend 1 ki point to charge your fist with psionic power for the next minute. Whenever you do so, the next time you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you deal an additional 1d4 psychic damage. This damage increases to 1d4+2 at level 6, 1d6+2 at level 11, and 1d6+4 at level 17. Whenever you use Flurry of Blows, you can forgo one of your unarmed strikes to charge your fist.

    Patience Pays

    At 6th level, At the end of combat you gain temp hp equal to the number of ki points you have remaining.

    Alinement Dissonance

    At 11th level, At the end of your turn you can spend 3 ki points and afflict any creatures you punched this turn with the following effects for 1 minute, based on that creatures alinement:
    Lawful Neutral Chaotic
    Good Cursed to monologue in brain rot badly. Can't cast verbal spells. Is filled with the need to make bread. Must make wisdom saves to do anything else. Any time they take an action, they must flip a coin. Heads, they don't.
    Neutral T.B.D. Can't stop talking. T.B.D.
    Evil Can't take actions of their own, their alies must vote on the action they take. Is filled with the need to drink wine. Must make wisdom saves to do anything else. Cursed to only scream when atempting to talk. Can't cast verbal spells.
    If any creatures you punched are unalined/unique alinement, you instaid gain 3 hp per unalined/unique creature.


    At 17th level, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Sound cool tho You can summon a ddr floor and style on yo foes.
    LvlProf BonusFeaturesJudicious Punch
    3rd+2Judicious Punch1d4
    6th+3Patience Pays1d4+2
    11th+4Alinement Dissonance1d6+2

    Created by


    Statblock Type

    Class Features
