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The Traveler's Guide to Aellorah

Rite of Exorcism

7-level Abjuration

Ritual - does not require spell slot, takes 10 minutes longer
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range/Area: 60 ft.
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material
Materials: a black tourmaline worth 500 gp
Duration: Instantaneous
Attack/Save: Wisdom

You attempt to exorcise all spirits within a 60 ft. radius, sending them to the afterlife. Upon completion of the ritual, all spirits within 60 ft. of the caster, including those possessing a creature, must make a Wisdom saving throw against the caster's spell save DC. On a failed save, the spirit is immediately banished and send to the afterlife. On a success, the spirit remains, but takes 4d8 radiant damage as the will of Astix rebukes them for resisting. If a spirit is able to resist this effect, they will immediately become hostile towards you. Spirits that witness you performing this ritual may become hostile towards you. Your beckoned spirits are immune to this effect.

This spell can only be cast as a ritual.

Available for: Soulbinder

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