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Species | Jun 17, 2024

Curious as cats and shy as deer, Pixies go where they please.

  Pixies are supernaturally small Fey that rarely get over 1 and a half feet tall in adulthood, due to this they have many nicknames, such as the Wee Folk. Curious as cats and shy as deer, Pixies go where they please.   Pixies like to spy on other creatures and can barely contain their excitement around them. The urge to introduce themselves and strike up a friendship is almost overwhelming; only a Pixies fear of being captured or attacked can convince them to stay in the shadows of the glades they call home. Those who wander through a Pixie's glade might never see the creatures, yet hear the occasional giggle, gasp, or sigh.   Pixie magic is based on light hearted pranks and laughter. This magic is part of the very being of the Pixie, and as such affects their relationships in profound ways. A friendship for a Pixie is often a magical connection. Between two Pixies, this is a mutual mingling of their innate magics, and it forms bonds that last for centuries. Pixies usually keep to themselves, but sometimes, a Pixie will bond with a mortal. In this case, a friendship is formed that goes beyond merely a mutual understanding or shared interests. Such a bound Pixie will often stick by that person's side until they pass of old age, and if the bond is strong enough, such a passing can cause a Pixie to pass shortly after - the magic of their life cut short in losing such a potent friendship forever.
ability score increase: +2 Dex, +1 Cha, -2 Con
age: They reach maturity at age 25 and may live up to 1000 years old
alignment: Neutral Good
Size: Tiny
speed: 10 ft., fly 30 ft.
Languages: Common, Sylvan
race features:

Armor Class


Hit Points

1 (1d4 - 1)  


Perception +4, Stealth +7  


Passive Perception 14   Magic Resistance. The Pixie has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.   Innate Spellcasting. The Pixie's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). They can innately cast these spells, requiring only their Pixie Dust as a component:   At will: Druidcraft   1/day each: Confusion, Dancing Lights, Detect Evil and Good, Detect Thoughts, Dispel Magic, Entangle, Fly, Phantasmal Force, Polymorph, Sleep  

Wing types


Dragonfly Wings +2 on Dex

Bee Wings +2 on Cha

Wasp Wings +2 on Str and you gain a stinger (1d6 piercing weapon)

Cricket Wings or Grasshopper Wings You are proficient in one instrument of choice and are proficient in performance

Butterfly Wings +2 on Cha

Moth Wings Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light

Beetle Wings Your base ac is 12 instead of 10

Ice/Glass Wings See through body: You gain proficients in stealth. You also gain cold resistance and a weakness to heat and fire


  Superior Invisibility. The Pixie magically turns invisible until their concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the Pixie wears or carries is invisible with them.

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Statblock Type

