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Earth Pony - Clydsdale

Earth ponies are the most numerous of the equine races. They reside in groups ranging in size from small, nomadic herds to massive cities. Their natural magic is subtle and often manifests as superior strength, stamina, personal magnetism, or close ties with the plants and creatures of the earth. Earth ponies are responsible for nearly all food production in Equestria. Although they are incapable of flight like pegasi, or direct control of their magic like unicorns, they can still excel in any profession. Perhaps it’s that perceived need which drives many earth ponies to become the nation’s foremost experts in their fields of interest.
ability score increase: From Strength, Constitution, and Charisma, choose one to increase by 2; the others increase by 1.
age: Up to 100
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Equestrian and one additional
race features:
Natural Weapons - You are proficient with your hoof and bite attacks, which are finesse, heavy weapons that deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage.   Cutie Mark - All ponies receive a cutie mark by adulthood. You determine what your cutie mark looks like and the ideal it represents. DM determines what abilities this gives you.   Close To The Earth - You gain proficiency in one skill from this list: Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Medicine, Nature, or Survival.   Stand Firm - Whenever an effect would force you to move or knock you prone, you can roll a DC 15 Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw to ignore the movement or prone effect.   Vim & Vigor - Whenever you roll Hit Dice to heal, add +2 to the result of each die. Whenever you gain temporary hit points, add +2 to the amount received.   Strong Back - Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor in which you are proficient, and your carrying capacity, and lift, push, and pull limits are increased by 50%.   Toughness - Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level. Additionally, you have a bonus Hit Die at level 1, which is 1d10 in size. You do not add it to your maximum HP, but you can use it during short rests to heal.
Clydesdales are larger than other ponies, and stronger. They tend to have longer, shaggier hair, especially around their fetlocks.

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