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Bag of Bags

Wondrous Item Uncommon

A simple brown satchel that appears empty. It can fit a normal sized bags worth of stuff. When empty, you can reach inside of it and pull out another bag. Once per day, roll a d100 to determine the bag that comes out.

Cost: 250gp Weight: 5lbs


1-10A bag akin to a shopping back, or a bag with a small hole at the bottom. Can carry a lot, but at what cost??
11-20A simple hip bag, able to hold spell components, or loose change. Its colors will never match your outfit and the zipper keeps sticking. Can carry up to 10lbs.
21-30A complex hip bag, with multiple pockets. Can carry up to 10lbs of small things. Not the most flattering, but could be worse.
31-40A shoulder bag of some sort, large enough to hold small weapons. Can carry up to 15lbs. You will have to keep switching shoulders for this to be comfortable.
41-50A shoulder bag with comfortable straps, with secret hidden pockets. Can carry up to 15lbs,
51-60A comfortable backpack, able to carry up to 60lbs. Has multiple pockets to separate your goods.
61-70A nice canvas backpack. Can be worn on your back, or at your side with an attachable strap. Very fashionable.
71-80A waterproof bag with extra sleeves to protect your weapons. Can carry up to 80lbs comfortably. Makes it look like you have more money than you might have.
81-90A bag of holding that does not conceal the weight of what you put inside, but does help carry larger objects. Can carry as much as you can physically carry, so long as it does not exceed 40 cubic feet.
91-99A bag of holding with a single pocket, but can only carry up to 250lbs.
100A bag of holding without additional limitations. Will always match what outfit you're wearing.

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