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A strong, lawful kingdom with a prestigious military history, Demacia's people have always valued the ideals of justice, honor, and duty most highly, and are fiercely proud of their cultural heritage. But in spite of these lofty principles, this largely self-sufficient nation has grown more insular and isolationist in recent centuries.
The capital, the Great City of Demacia, was founded as a refuge from sorcery after the nightmare of the Rune Wars, and built upon the riddle of petricite—a peculiar white stone that dampens magical energy. It is from here that the royal family has long seen to the defense of the outlying towns and villages, farmland, forests, and mountains rich with mineral resources.
Those who dwell beyond the heavily guarded borders are increasingly viewed with suspicion, and many former allies have begun to look elsewhere for protection, in these uncertain times. Some dare to whisper that the golden age of Demacia has passed, and unless its people are willing to adapt to a changing world—something many believe they are simply incapable of doing—the kingdom's decline may be inevitable.
And all the petricite in the land will not protect Demacia from itself.
ability score increase: +1 STR, CON or WIS
Size: Medium
speed: 30
Languages: Common, Demacian
parent race: [blocklink:


The humans. Adaptable, intelligent and numerous, the most predominant race of Runeterra continues to spread throughout Runeterra, establishing all sorts of civilizations whose variety represents the sheer flexibility of the human mind and body.

If there is to be one trait that can considered the definition of human, it would be their stubborness. They will fight for their beliefs, be it through speech or through force, and many of them will give their all to protect their home and kin.

Make no mistake. While other races may possess exotic features and powers, humans achieved their position in Runeterra for a reason. Within them runs ancient bloodlines that sometimes manifest themselves in extraordinary powers, while their ability to learn and master skills is unmmatched.
ability score increase: Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
Size: Medium
speed: 30
Languages: Common
sub races:
race features:
- 1 skill proficiency, tool proficiency or instrument proficiency of your choice
  • you gain other features, depending on your Origin
  • ]
    race features:

  • Petricite Armor: If you start with Heavy or Medium Armor with a base AC of 14 or higher, you can choose to have it made out of Petricite, a hard metal-like wood, that absorbs magic. Petricite Armor is only crafted and sold in Demacia.
  • While you wear Petricite Armor, you have Advantage on Saving Throws against magical effects, Spell Attacks against you have Disadvantage and you can't use Spells, that are not on the Cleric or Paladin Spell list.
  • Petricite Proficiency: While you Petricite Armor, you gain +1 AC
  • - Silent Casting: You can cast Spells without using any verbal or somatic components.
  • Righteous Protector: Once per Long Rest you can use your Reaction to give Creature that you can see within 30 ft of you a number D4s of temporary Hit Points equal to your proficiency modifier.

  • Created by


    Statblock Type

