Eii'piliy - The Plague | Monster | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Eii'piliy - The Plague CR: 21

Gargantuan undead, neutral evil
Armor Class: 20
Hit Points: Chaos Threshold: 190 -------------------- Finishing Blow: 75
Speed: 30 ft


20 +5


8 -1


32 +11


5 -3


5 -3


5 -3

Saving Throws: Automatically Succeeds CON saving throws,
Damage Vulnerabilities: Radiant, Fire
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Weapons, Force, Thunder
Damage Immunities: Cold, Necrotic, Poison
Condition Immunities: Feared, Blinded, Deafened
Languages: None
Challenge Rating: 21
Proficiency Bonus: +7

Kaiju Force. Eii'piliy can use an action to move through any object or magical barrier as though it were difficult terrain, destroying it in the process. In addition, Eii'piliy deals double damage to objects and structures. Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage Eii'piliy deals is magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity.   Kaiju Fortitude. Eii'piliy is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form, move it against its will, or move it to another plane of existence against its will.   Legendary Resistance (4/Day). If Eii'piliy fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.   Plague Aura. This is a layered aura, that will attempt to apply its aura whenever a creature enters within 100, 60, 30 and 10ft. of Eii'piliy. When a creature enters the aura, they must succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, or lose 2 AC until they leave the aura. Creatures cannot attempt this save again until the completion of a long rest.   Plague Swarm. Eii'piliy is constantly surrounded by Shadowfell Blood-Sucker swarms. Eii'piliy starts combat with 6 Shadowfell Blood-Sucker Swarms within 5ft. of it. These swarms will attempt to attack the first creature that enters within 100ft. of Eii'piliy, or any creature that attacks them.   God Blight. This ability remains inactive until Eii'piliy enters it's Walking Epidemic behaviour. A creature infected with God Blight becomes a Vector. Vectors can be cured of God Blight via a potent acute dose of Hope's Light, and by no other means; examples of a curing agent would be: Ingesting 10 vials of God's Tears at once, being within 30ft. of Hope's Light. Vectors follow the following stages of disease progression:                                

Level Effect Progression Requirement
1 No visible effect Remain uncured for 8 days
2 Long rests no longer remove exhaustion Remain uncured for 8 days
3 The body of the Vector begins to take on a dark colour, and becomes maliable like a mix between wet clay clay and memory foam; Vectors perminantly lose 1 point of Constitution per day. Remain uncured for 8 days
4 The Vector's bones begin to liquify, while their flesh begins to calcify, break, melt then reform in rapid succession, such that their body becomes a porus shell and their bones leak from their body; the Vector perminantly loses 1 max hp per hour. Remain uncured for 8 days
5 Vector's Begin to emit a 5ft. aura of God Blight. After a long rest, a Vector must succeed a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, or fulfill the progression requirements to progress to stage 6. Fail the saving throw
6 The Vector's speed drops to 0. After a long rest, a Vector must succeed a DC 8 Constitution saving throw, or fulfill the progression requirements to progress to stage 7. Fail the saving throw
7 The Vector's aura expands to a 15 ft. radius Die
8 The Vector's aura of God Blight increases to 60ft.. The Vectors aura of God Blight remains for 1 year. N/A


Multiattack.   Foul Tendril.   Crushing Step.   Howl of Despair (Charge 1). As an action, Eii'piliy can Charge its Howl of Despair; this charge is required to use the attack portion of this action, unless triggered by exploiting Eii'piliy's Back Right Leg vulnerable area.

Eii'piliy's Behaviours                
Behaviour Trigger Effect
Rampage Eii'piliy's Chaos Threshold is reduced to 0 hit points Eii'piliy will no longer ignore creatures attacking it. Eii'piliy gains immunity to attacks with the same damage type that reduced its Chaos Threshold to 0
Viral Vector Back Right Leg is exploited Eii'piliy loses 10ft. of movement. All ground terrain within 80ft. of Eii'piliy rapidly degenerates, creating a swamp of decomposed biomatter that acts as difficult terrain.
Walking Epidemic Exposed Heart is exploited When this vulnerable area is exploited, Eii'piliy births 4 Shadowfell Blood-Sucker Swarms, and on each of its following turns can use its reaction to spawn 1 Shadowfell Blood-Sucker Swarm.
Death Throes Eii'piliy has 3 exploited vulnerable areas Eii'piliy loses its movement speed and falls prone. Eii'piliy is killed when it takes damage equal to its Finish Blow before the start of its next turn. Eii'piliy begins to emit a 300ft. auro of God Blight around itself. All Creatures within this aura must make a DC 20 Constitution Saving throw, or be infected with God Blight (see: God Blight skill)
  Eii'piliy's Vulnerable Areas            
Vulnerable Area Special Traits AC HP
Putrid Vocal Chords When this Vulnerable Area is exploited, this creature can no longer use its Howl of Despair 22 20
Exposed Heart When this Vulnerable Area is exploited, Eii'piliy's damage immunities and vulnerabilities swap. Radiant damage remains as a vulnerability after this occurs. 18 50
Back Right Leg When this Vulnerable Area is exploited, Eii'piliy will use its Howl of Despair as a reaction if it has access to it 23 100

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