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Infernal Retaliation Module (IRM) Adverse and Strange Effects Table

Roll the Dice
1The plasma generation chamber overheats, causing the user to take 1d6 fire damage.
2Misfire: The IRM misfires, hitting a random target within range instead of the intended target.
3Plasma Leak: A small leak occurs in the plasma generation chamber, creating a slippery area in a 5-foot radius around the user as plasma fluid leaks out, potentially causing creatures entering or starting their turn in the area to slip.
4Energy Feedback: The energy absorption cells malfunction, shocking the user and causing them to lose their next reaction.
5Infernal Vision: The user's vision is temporarily overwhelmed by infernal flames, giving them disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks for 1 round.
6Enhanced Targeting: The IRM's targeting system upgrades temporarily, granting the user advantage on their next attack roll against the target.
7Plasma Shield: The IRM utilizes excess plasma to create a protective shield around the user, granting them a +2 bonus to AC for 1 round.
8Haunting Whispers: The user hears haunting whispers for the next minute, giving them disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws and concentration checks.
9Uncontrolled Burst: The IRM releases an uncontrolled burst of plasma, creating a bright flash of light that blinds the user and all creatures within a 10-foot radius for 1 round.
10Optimized Energy Conversion: The IRM efficiently converts the absorbed energy into a more potent counterattack, increasing the damage dealt by the next successful IRM activation by 1d10.

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Random Table
