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The Gossamer are a subrace of the Insektari, inspired by the delicate and ethereal nature of smaller winged insects. Graceful and mesmerizing, the Gossamer embody the beauty and mystery of the insect world.
ability score increase:
Size: Small
speed: Your wlaking speed is 30 feet
parent race: [blocklink:


The Insektari are a race of humanoid beings with insectoid features, such as exoskeletons, antennae, and compound eyes. They are an ancient and diverse race, with various subraces that reflect different insect species
ability score increase: Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) Choose three different +1
Size: Medium
speed: Your wlaking speed is 30 feet
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Insektari. Insektari is a clicking language that incorporates pheromones and subtle body movements, allowing you to communicate with other Insektari and some insects.
sub races:

race features:
Darkvision: You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Insectoid Anatomy: You have an exoskeleton that provides natural armor. When you are not wearing any armor, your AC is 12 + your Dexterity modifier.   Insectarian Resilience: You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
The Insektari are a fascinating and enigmatic race of humanoid beings with distinct insectoid characteristics. Resembling a fusion of humans and various insects, they have captured the imaginations of scholars, adventurers, and storytellers alike. Despite their diverse appearances, all Insektari share some common traits, which set them apart from other races.   Physical Characteristics: Insektari possess an exoskeleton, a defining feature that varies in color, texture, and pattern depending on the subrace. Their bodies are segmented, and their limbs are often elongated, flexible, and jointed. They have large, compound eyes, granting them keen visual acuity in both bright light and darkness. Antennae protrude from their heads, and some may also have additional sensory organs like whiskers or feelers.   Subraces and Variations: The Insektari race is incredibly diverse, with several subraces representing different insect species. Each subrace has its unique features, such as the sturdy carapaces of the Scarabine, the iridescent wings of the Gossamer, the spinnerets and web-weaving abilities of the Arachni, and the strength and tireless work ethic of the Formic.   Societal Traits: Insektari societies vary widely across different regions and cultures. Some live in tightly-knit colonies led by a queen or a central authority figure, much like real-life insect hives. Others might follow more democratic or individualistic structures, reflecting the varied behaviors of their insect counterparts.   Communal Mindset: A common trait among the Insektari is their strong sense of community and cooperation. They often value the collective over the individual and are known for their willingness to work together to achieve common goals. This sense of unity extends beyond their own race, and they may form alliances with other races to combat shared threats or promote mutual prosperity.   Adaptability and Resilience: Insektari have evolved over centuries to adapt to various environments, leading to their survival in diverse ecosystems. Their insectoid features, such as the exoskeleton and resistance to poison, make them resilient in the face of physical challenges and environmental hazards.   Mysterious Origins: The origins of the Insektari remain a subject of speculation and legend. Some scholars believe they are a magically created race, while others theorize they are a result of ancient crossbreeding between humanoid beings and insects. Regardless of their origins, the Insektari's connection to the natural world and their affinity for insects continue to be a subject of wonder and mystery as they were not a product of the Dragons.   Attitudes Toward Other Races: Insektari attitudes toward other races can vary widely depending on individual experiences, cultural beliefs, and the relationships between their respective societies. While some may embrace diversity and seek cooperation, others might be cautious or wary of outsiders. Overcoming stereotypes and building trust with members of other races can be a significant part of an Insektari's journey.
race features:
Small. Your size is instead Small, like that of halflings or gnomes.   Wings of Flight: You have functional wings that allow you to fly at a speed of 30 feet. You cannot use this trait if you are wearing medium or heavy armor.   Small Stature: Your smaller size grants you advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when trying to hide or move quietly.
Physical Characteristics: Gossamer Insektari are petite and lightweight, with slender limbs and fragile wings that shimmer with iridescent colors when they catch the light. Their bodies are adorned with intricate patterns and markings, reminiscent of the wings of butterflies, dragonflies, and other winged insects. Gossamer's large, multifaceted eyes lend them an air of mystique, and their antennae provide them with heightened senses.   Wings of Flight: The most distinguishing feature of the Gossamer is their functional wings, enabling them to soar through the air with unparalleled grace. These wings grant them the ability to fly at a speed of 30 feet, allowing them to navigate their surroundings with ease and access places that others may find difficult to reach.   Connection to Nature: Gossamer have an innate connection to the natural world, and their societies often revolve around the rhythms of the seasons and the cycles of life. They are known for their artistic talents and may express their appreciation for nature through various art forms, such as dance, music, and painting.   Inquisitive and Curious: Gossamer Insektari have a natural curiosity about the world beyond their own, and they often seek adventure and exploration. Their inquisitive nature drives them to learn about other cultures, races, and the diverse landscapes that populate the realms they inhabit.   Fleeting Lives: Gossamer are keenly aware of the fleeting nature of their existence, much like their insect counterparts. Though they possess a lifespan that exceeds that of their insect inspirations, Gossamer still see their lives as transient and view each moment as precious.   Playful and Carefree: Despite their appreciation for the beauty and wonder of the world, Gossamer Insektari are known for their playful and carefree spirits. They take joy in simple pleasures and may spend hours frolicking in meadows or dancing in the moonlight.   Attitudes Toward Others: Gossamer are generally amiable and approachable, possessing a natural charm that endears them to others. They value harmony and cooperation and are quick to form bonds with those who share their respect for nature and appreciation of beauty. While they may be a bit reserved with strangers, they are known for their warm and welcoming demeanor once trust is established.   Gossamer Adventurers: Gossamer adventurers are often driven by a desire to explore the world, protect nature's beauty, and foster connections with other races and cultures. They excel as scouts, messengers, and diplomats, using their ability to fly and their charismatic personalities to bridge gaps between communities and promote harmony.

Created by

Rook the Riddler.

Statblock Type

